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Local Chapter Leader
Jan 16, 2007
Laveen, AZ, USA.
I went to a doc today to have what I thought was a boil or cyst lanced. The MD said it's squamous cell carcinoma - a type of skin cancer.

I always thought as long as a person doesn't have like black moles or other skin patches that everything was fine.

I remember having a cut in that area some time ago - I don't pay attention to them unless they get infected. Few weeks passed and I started getting this enlarging lump in that same area. After 4 weeks went by, I went to my dear doctor for my 3,000 mile oil change. Two days later a dermatologist is removing it and rattling off a multi-multisyllable "name" for it.

So I just wanted to post a note here - if your wondering about a scab or lump of whatever that isn't healing? Best thing to do would be to run it by a doctor - or some other knowledgeable medical person.

I don't know if it's going any farther than that. They have to biopsy it and like that. But I do know that the only reason I even showed it to the doctor in the first place was because I was joking around about people taking up her time with "everyday problems . . . like 'this.' "
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Take care of yourself Cathy Sue. What ever we can do for you, let us know. Please let us know the results. Lifting you in prayer.

Hank Lee
Toyota, Japan
You got lucky, your Dr sent you to a Dermatologist, a co-worker of my LOML went to his Dr with a similar problem Dr says it is nothing won't send him to Dermatologist, year later it had spread thy are not sure if he is going to make it or not, got to love HMO's, good luck if caught early most skin cancers are curable.
Sorry to hear about this news Cathy Sue. If there is anything we could do, please dont hesitate to ask. Please keep us posted and know that you are in our prayers.
Hope you are and will remain to be well. Thats a scarry thought and there is little in life as sobering as the C word. Glad you found out early. We value your presence around here.
Cathy Sue
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your head up, over ten years ago I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and I am still a big pain in the butt to my wife today. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.

Take care of yourself. I went though that in 2001. I had stage 2 mig.(sp?) melanoma. I went though 6 mos of Chemo. Today cancer free. Over 40 get you skin check out 1 year. As said above caught early it is cureable.

Good luck.. If you want to talk pm me.

Stay positive Cathy


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Keep your head up high and get yourself fixed up while you still can and while we still have the greatest healthcare in the world...just in case.

My wife decided to switch our health insurance and we had to have blood tests taken. We were declined because I had liver cancer. If it wasn't for the insurance testing, I never would have had a clue, so I was pretty darn lucky. I immediately went to the doctors and specialists, took my chemo and am good as new. Perhaps you have that same stroke of early luck as I did. Think positive. Quicker you take care of it, the better the chances of you having nothing to worry about.
I'm sorry to hear about your scare Cathy Sue. My neighbor had a very similar situation and went through the same steps as you. Everything turned out fine. I believe you're a good person and everything will turn out fine for you too.

Thinking of you,
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