Can you help with wood/tree ID?

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Nov 8, 2007
NW Fla Panhandle, USA.
Hi folks,
I wasn't sure where to put this. I know I've seen other topics like this, but wasn't sure where it was.

Anyway, we cut down part of a tree this past November. We left about 10 feet of it that I just haven't gotten to yet. It was pretty much a straight tree. About 40ft tall. The couple of larger branches that came off of it grew more up than out. The bark on the bottom is darker and toward the top is lighter. There was not any distinct smell other than fresh cut wood. The actual wood is kinda orange. I was told that it wasn't O O. I live in NW Fla.

First up is a tree from my yard.
Leaves from the tree that is left in the ground:

The rest of the tree that is still in the ground. The larger one on the left:

Some cut and split wood:

Second up, a bush that someone pulled out of the ground and tossed. I figured that I could cut it up and see what might come out of it. I couldn't get a good picture of the wood after it was cut, but it is whitish with some light tan in there as well. The roots grew around them selves, almost like it was grown in a bucket. There were 3 bushes and all are like this.


Third up is a board that I got about 8 years ago. I was told that it was probably mahogany, but I'm not sure at all. The grain is very open, if that is the correct term.

End grain:

Side of board and two pieces cut from it. The two pieces have some whitish streaks in it, but I think that this might be spalting of some kind. I have cut some of it that didn't have the streaks at all.:

The whole board:

Forth and last is a piece that I rescued from a fire wood pile. The guy said that it is the stump of a cherry tree that was cut down a few years back and the stump was cut out not too long ago. The thing is, I really have no clue if we have cherry here in NW Fla. It is some really nice looking stuff.

Side with bark:





Thanks for any help in IDing these for me.
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That first one seems like some variety of cherry with poison ivy;) Cherry bark is usually scale like. The bark on the last one doesn't jibe for me. I was thinking willow?
I would say that your first question definitely looks like cherry but I too don't know how far south cherry grows. You second set of pictures is a little tougher. Just the way you describe the roots, it sounds like they were shrubs that were planted improperly some years ago. Shrubs are a little tougher to identify without leaves because many look very similar. Your third set is also tough because it is tough to really tell without feeling its weight. It could be mahogany and it just looks different because of where and how it was stored. Looking at the endgrain it doesn't quite look like mahogany but more like machiche (cabbage bark) but this is a heavy wood compared to mahogany. The last one does look more like maple than cherry, especially the way it is spalting but then again things may spalt differently in the South than up here in the great icy North. Bob I.
Cherry, blank, blank, Maple (probably Ambrosia Maple)
The cherry probably has lots of cracks coming in from the ends, but there will still be some good blanks. The maple is the prize of the lot.
Sorry I didn't get back to this thread sooner. Thanks for your thoughts on the wood. I think I'll take some of these to someone that can id them for certain. I'll let you know what they say.
I agree the first one definitely looks like cherry. Crush the leaves and if they smell slightly sweet and a bitter then that is probably it. Probably a black cherry where you are -- there is actually arsenic in the leaves and if you barely taste it there is bitterness from that.

The second is probably some sort of ornamental shrub and looks like some sort of holly to me -- maybe a burford.

The 3rd is anybodies guess but almost looks like ipe or teak but who knows.

The 4th does look an awful lot like maple as others have mentioned.
You better send that fourth set of pics to me for closer inspection.[:p] ...especially that piece with those nasty black lines. I'm sure it's ruined.:D
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