Can someone ID this please.

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Mar 12, 2008
I was given a few boards of this and cut one up today.
The wood is very heavy,,feels like it would sink almost,, and I can't make a mark on it with my fingernail.
When I bandsaw it the dust is like a fine talcom powder and it's slightly oily,
Lovely pink colour inside.
It would be nice to know what it is.
regards, Bill


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My first thought was lyptus - probably because I was looking at some today. It doesn't look like the bloodwood I have around - the grain isn't dense enough.

Bloodwood photo

Here is a pick of a bloodwood board I had in the shop(I guess I call it a shop). I have some much redder but this one is not so much.


  • bloodwood board.JPG
    bloodwood board.JPG
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since you have a board can you send me a sample doesnt have to be huge I will be able to check it under the scope this is a sure fire way to get an ID as there are a lot of timbers that look similar its only when you get down to the detail can you work it out also photos never do it justice I feel
Thanks for the replies all.
I'll have a look at Redheart and Bloodwood and lyptus in more detail.
It doesnt have any noticable smell or spiciness as some woods do, its almost neutral in odour.
Ive got some bubinga and its not like that.
Dave (Rarestwoods), Id be grateful if you could do a check on for me.
Please PM me your address and I'll send you a blank if you dont mind?
Thanks again everyone, what a great forum this is:)
regards, Bill
yup got an id its Bulletwood, beefwood aka Manilkara bidentata synonymous with Mimusops balata not the prettiest wood around but certainly an interesting one, filled a sink with water and dropped it in it sank so its sg is over 1.0 that helped its dense fine grained darkening on exposure
have a look hereá as there is a nice pic of two fine gentalmen cutting a tree into two fliches you can see the grain if you keep cliking on the photo till it supersizes.
and if you like look here for the us forstry service spec sheets on it

I can see why folk thought it may be bloodwood but checked it against a true samples of that also came back negative.
its tough stuff many thanks for the sample have seen one piece of furniture made in it an antique piece nicely carved. its probably worth making at least one pen out of the stuff and that it what ille be doing with the remaining timber in the blank you gave me. I loved to id wood so keep sending me the samples thanks MR talbot your a true gent.:biggrin:
yup got an id its Bulletwood, beefwood aka Manilkara bidentata synonymous with Mimusops balata not the prettiest wood around but certainly an interesting one, filled a sink with water and dropped it in it sank so its sg is over 1.0 that helped its dense fine grained darkening on exposure
have a look hereá as there is a nice pic of two fine gentalmen cutting a tree into two fliches you can see the grain if you keep cliking on the photo till it supersizes.
and if you like look here for the us forstry service spec sheets on it

I can see why folk thought it may be bloodwood but checked it against a true samples of that also came back negative.
its tough stuff many thanks for the sample have seen one piece of furniture made in it an antique piece nicely carved. its probably worth making at least one pen out of the stuff and that it what ille be doing with the remaining timber in the blank you gave me. I loved to id wood so keep sending me the samples thanks MR talbot your a true gent.:biggrin:

Many thanks Dave for the ID and for all your trouble.
I think I'll go with the name 'balata rouge',, sounds mor exotic
than bulletwood.
Makes for interesting reading.
regards, Bill
O I dont know perhaps it would be an appropriate timber for those popular bullet pens I see on the forum kinda fits really. a real bullet, bulletwood pen
can you make ink out of gunpowder? :biggrin:
I think I'll go with the name 'balata rouge',, sounds mor exotic
than bulletwood.

You might have a hard time getting someone to look at a pen made
out of something called 'beefwood' too.

"why, yes! The center band is mesquite, the nib and finial are hickory
and the ink refill *is* made from stabilized BBQ sauce.." :tongue:
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