Can I get some opinions on a charity site I'm working on?

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Good/Noble idea, hope it works well.

Pics are always good.

My browser required that I scroll side to side to read the right hand side of the screen, not sure if this is controllable on your end, but was a bit annoying on mine.
Pretty basic there. If you're not in a huge hurry, I'll shoot you a PM and I can give you a hand with it. I aint got a lot of free time, but I can knock something simple out pretty quickly.
Good/Noble idea, hope it works well.

Pics are always good.

My browser required that I scroll side to side to read the right hand side of the screen, not sure if this is controllable on your end, but was a bit annoying on mine.

likely cause I built it on a 17 inch widescreen monitor and your's is a smaller widthwise. I'll see if I can bring it in some. I don't have access to a smaller monitor right now (locked out of my office, forgot my keys) so I'm shooting blind on the width right now.

We'll do what we can, and if other want to support it great. Actually a friend on the train said she'll be contributing $100 last night. She's a dog lover too. So I'll have my first "Alpha Leader" on the board soon. :)
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You'll want to hit 1000 pixles wide for the page, maybe even less if you plan on a lot of people with bad eyesight hitting the page.
I have no problem seeing the whole thing on a 15" laptop. I would suggest a lot more pictures and try to make them pictures that would tear out someones heart. Other than my kids, my dogs mean more to me than anyone, and they definetly give me less problems.

I'm also in the "more pictures please!" camp.

Message is well-written, but break up the text. (Everything was visible without scrolling side to side.) What about an mpeg? Could each page have a "motion picture" in the middle to get attention, then the text surrounding?

At least one picture of the dog shelter(s). These can be NICE places, but show lots of dogs awaiting new owners. (If a new owner does NOT show up............... but YOU can help us avoid that!!!)

Just a FWIW.

thanks guys, I'm still learning all this web stuff, so any and all help is appreciated.

I went through the pics I had on my computer and pulled a bunch in. I know there are no copyright issues with these since all were shot my our cameras. I may try to find some of the canned pics that may suit the site as well, and links to the shelters of course need to be added.

Just a bit more info on what I've been working with

All the stuff I've done is using Nvu and I don't know if I'm utilizing all the functions. If there is a better free software out there, I'm open to changing.

Skye, I'll be in touch in a couple days. I probably won't be able to work on it at all this weekend either, we had a small, skinny pit mix show up in our back yard Thursday that we are trying to place. She has a sweet disposition but has issues with two of our other dogs so keeping her isn't an option.
You have a good start. The look of the site is the least important right now. Content is more important. NVU is one of the best free programs out there. There is a lot of programs that give you free templates and lots of fluff, but they don't write very good HTML or you get the everyone has the same template, syndrome. You are better to learn as you go and get what you want, not what the program wants. Spend the time you would burn learning a new program, learning more about the one you are using. Need any help, just let me know. You know how to get a hold of me. :)
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