Can I fix this blank?

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Sep 30, 2019
North Carolina, USA
I got overzealous and took way too much off this blank. Too bad, as I was really looking forward to putting this one on an independence kit from TW. The wide end of the flare is pretty much at the proper diameter. Can I build this back up without too much trouble? Maybe a few layers of UV resin? Is it even worth trying to fix it or will it just result in frustration?

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I would think that you could use the UV resin if you could apply it in even layers, while hardening after each one. You might have to sand any high spots down using wet or dry sand paper and Micro Mesh to get your polish back.

It would be interesting to see if a blank can be saved in that way.
Depending on how much you need to build up you can either try the UV resin and hope it adheres to the other acrylic or use CA. I use medium Gluboost all the time to build up low areas and fill holes in blanks with great success. Once it's built up you won't notice the depth of the glue or resin because it magnifies the material below making it appear larger than it is like with tube on clear casts.
If I do the UV resin, I can oversize it (a very tiny bit) and turn it right sized, right? I would imagine I could turn that resin as much as any resin.

I've got a small 395nm LED UV pen light that should work well enough for a small project.
Yes, as others have said. The possibilities are several: 1. CA, and I have built up CA without any defects by nearly 2mm without any problems; 2. UV resin and 3, if you were into casting and well experienced with several types, that would be a possibility but probably overkill. 4. a good casting epoxy resin would also be possible, but experience would benefit this method too.

What ever you choose, let it set and cure for a day or two to come to its strongest point before turning.

PS, I love those colors!
Thanks everyone. I already have some thick CA that I have no plans for. It came in a Satellite City sample set I bought a while back. Maybe it will work well for this. It should at least build up with less coats. I'll definitely sand it and polish a bit first. Probably even put a layer of thin CA on to fill any tiny scuffs after that before starting to really coat it.
Just a thought, but you could perhaps research other 12.5mm / 10.5mm tubed pen kits to see if you can find one with appropriate tube lengths and smaller bushings for a slimmer design than the Jr. Independence kit. For example, the PSI Executive Rollerball & Fountain Pen kits have smaller cap side bushings (0.545 vs the Jr. Independence which I think is 0.567). One of the end bushings however is the same size on both 0.480. I know I have been able to do this with some kits in the past when I've had hiccups. For example, I turned blanks for a PSI Designer NT with my bushings out of sequence and although the tube lengths were different was able to re-turn them down slightly into a Comfort style pen.

That is an attractive blank, good luck in your salvage attempt whatever it may wind up being.

Thank you everyone for the tips and suggestions. It built back up quite well, but there is something I didn't think about with this that I'm still pretty bummed about. The finish is built up, but you can't make the resin thicker.

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