Calling all Canadians - at least the ones in Alberta

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Jan 31, 2008
Oak Leaf, TX, USA.

First off, if your not from Alberta (or even Canada) - this is in no way excluding you. It will make sense as you read on (I hope).

My 12 yr old son has been given several projects at school. One of them is to study and put together an informational poster on Alberta. He has done all of the standard internet and wiki searches and has a pretty good base of info to work off as well as being able to answer all the standard questions.

What he is looking for is something (or multiple somethings) that are truly unique and probably only something that someone from Alberta would know about it.

Any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

His due date to turn it in is 9/13.

Sorry about the short notice on the request, but he received the assignment Friday.

Take care,

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I was once a Canuck and I lived under a Bridge in Banff national park. You know, the movie with Kevin Costner ..Never Cry Wolf, I think that was the was filmed in Banff and many of the local natives were used in that movie. It is a very rich native culture. The first three nations of indians are in Alberta.

I think if I was going to write about Alberta, I would stick with the heavy native culture. certainly have the oil to talk about, the olympic games, the mountains and fresh water, amazing wild life, cliff diving, insane winters and unbelievable roads to travel's so scenic with the glaciers and the huge hills, and all toped off with super fresh smooth roads everywhere you go. Alberta when a road goes bad, they just build another road beside it and then dig up the old road later, so it does not impede traffic..even though there is not much, and well, they just plain can afford to build roads all day long!

It would be a tough choice to decide where to live..Texas or Alberta. I'm surprised an American classroom even knows Canada is up there!
oh...btw, I only lived under that bridge for a couple weeks...and it was on purpose, because I did a lot of travelling back and forth across Canada when I was much younger. I hitch hiked from one side to the other 3 times over 2 yrs. It was a great experience every time...although 1 time a group of guys drove by and tossed raw eggs out the window and I took one right in the chest. It dropped my like a rock, left a monster welt on me as I struggled for at least half an hour just to be able to breath. The greatest place to be at night in the summer time is Saskatchewan..sleeping under the stars, not a cloud in the sky and yet lightning streaking across the sky like a plasma lamp..very amazing. You wouldn't want to be there in the winter though...that's about the last place on earth you want to be then!
He should look up the Burgess Shale, it is a rock formation in Alberta that holds some of the most interesting fossils in the world. Alberta was also once positioned across the equator some many millions of years ago.

Another interesting fact is that you can find gold in the North Saskatchewan River as it flows past the campus of the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

Alberta, wild rose country. A few things come to mind, Banff national park, the West Edmonton Mall, the Calgary stampede, the 1988 winter Olympics, the 1980's Edmonton Oilers, Dances with wolves was filmed there.
I'm sure he's already read about Drumheller -- Alberta Badlands, Hoodoos and Petroglyphs.


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He should look up the Burgess Shale, it is a rock formation in Alberta that holds some of the most interesting fossils in the world. Alberta was also once positioned across the equator some many millions of years ago.

Another interesting fact is that you can find gold in the North Saskatchewan River as it flows past the campus of the University of Alberta in Edmonton.


He could tie this in with the Barnett Shale in the north Texas area.
Things that only an Alberta person would know..well, that would be difficult. But, as a Canadian in general, we have slangs like any other country.

In Alberta they have Chinook. This is the wind that comes down over the mountains, of course it also can refer to a King Salmon..all depends on what you are discussing.

You might here Albertans talk about Canuckleheads. Those would be referring to fans of the Vancouver Canuck hockey team.

Of course Canadians are typically referred to as Canucks.

Many Canadians refer to Calgary Alberta as Cowtown. They are well known for Rodeo's.

Anyone in Alberta would know a Deego is a gram of weed "EH!". :biggrin:

How do they talk?...well...If yu canna wok on a narrow path, stay oot!

Apparently I am told I talk like this too, but I in my mind I sound like everyone else in this part of the USA, so when they make fun of me, I don't get it.:confused:
In Banff just before Grizzly hibernation, hiking in groups of less than 4 is prohibited by law...

Alberta is one of the only provinces without provincial sales tax...and the rest of us (particularly in Ontario) are jealous! :)

The Royal Tyrell is one of the premiere paleontology museums in the world...and Drumheller has the world's largest dinosaur (well, the largest statue of one, anyway...)

Peter's Drive-In has the best burger and shake in Calgary...

Alberta drivers are the worst in the world - by far! :biggrin:
You might here Albertans talk about Canuckleheads. Those would be referring to fans of the Vancouver Canuck hockey team.

Watch it buddy, I AM a Canucklehead. :at-wits-end:
on their vehicles (cars anyway) they only have a rear license plate. (i guess without taxes, then can only afford to make one)

In Michigan we only have one license plate and it goes on the back of the car. This state is more broke than any other, but that is not the reason I'm sure, because we also pay more for our license plate than most other states do. I do not know why we do not use front plates.:confused:
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