Business Cards

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Jan 29, 2008
Spring, Texas, USA.
I know this is gonna sound "phisy" but I am setting up files on penturners around the country and overseas to be organized by stateand location. I would like to get business cards from as many penturners around the world. It's only an envelope and a stamp so were not talking about much. Whoever would like to send me their card, please do so. Send to George Norris, 24407 Pine Canyon, Spring TX 77380.

Our thinking is now that Kathy has now retired and we are planning to do a lot of traveling so it would be good to have a file of where pen turners are located. We would always call or email ahead before stopping by but we would like to meet some of you during our travels.

Most penturners seem to be unique people and always fun to visit. We love to see the work done by others. We all seem to approach this hobby differently and some people just do amazing work. We can always learn something new.

We are old but we clean up pretty good and don't eat much. Maybe you'd enjoy a visit or we could buy you a dinner or lunch or something. We are heading from Houston to the Hudson Valley in NY to see a friend and then a fishing trip to the FL Keys and we are then heading to AZ, I guess to look for our "Silhouette". Just a very small penturner joke!!!

Now there are a lot of penturners so the odds are with you that will probably miss having to endure us but you never know. BTW, we have Australia in our plans for later and possibly Europe and maybe even Japan. We difinitely have Knifley, KY on the list....want to see what that town looks like.

So if you'd like to take a chance and send us a card, we would appreciate it much. I'd like to see how many cards we can get. We'll let you know in about 2 weeks how we did. Now get them cards and letters coming. We really prefer a business card as that will be an easy file to keep by state. Thanks to you all. George
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Mail has already gone out today, will drop in p.o. tomorrow.

Summer in East Tennessee is gorgeous ... if you and the missus ever plan a trip to Dollywood or Gatlinburg, we are about an hour to hour and half south of there... right at the foot of the Cherohala skyway that goes over the mountains to North Carolina.. If you like the rustic historic areas, Cades Cove in the Smokies is worth seeing.

I'm also probably only about couple hours south of Knifely, KY, I pretty sure it just up the road a bit.

Drop by anytime, would be nice to see a fellow Texan.
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George - I'll be sending you a card tomorrow. I'm near Rochester, NY. Depending how you go to the Hudson Valley area you may, or may not, pass by me. If you stop in Niagra Falls then you will pass me on your way to the Hudson Valley area. We are about 1 1/2 hours from the Falls and just 5 minutes off the New York State Thruway.

Leonora (LOML) and I hope you can stop by.
Y'all are great. I wasn't sure I'd get a good response but I was hoping. Don't worry, we rarely camp on anyone for more than a week. We will also be available to go fishing and will probably be towing our own boat....especially to the Keys.

Chuck, I worked for Action Rod fishing rod co. years ago and used to have to go to the factory about once a month. They are in Ashville. It was gorgeous county.

Jim, I used to sell sporting goods for a company out of Baltimore and my territory included West Point and the Corning College in Painted Post, NY. I used to drive past miles of trout streams and was too busy to stop and wet a line. Maybe I'll get another shot.

Mack, sorry I left out our frozen neighbor to the north. We might get up there too. I went on a Black Bear Hunt in Cochren, Ont in 1970. Man, that was some great country. And the fishing was great too. One day on this little pristine lake, throwing a red and white spoon I caught 27 Pike, Pickrel and bass on 27 casts and the 28th cast got a hit and the line snapped. Always wondered how many I would have been able to catch if the line had held up. Fish were all 3# to about 15#. They were all released so some might have been caught twice, eh! See I even speak Canadian, Hoser.

Keep them cards coming.
I'll send you one of mine. Have not had time to design a business card for pen turning yet but I have my Graphic Design cards, okay if I send a couple of those?
George , I am just about to have some new cards made . I will send you one . We would love to have you stop by . And that goes for any other member .

Well, if Japan is on the list of possible visits I invite you to our home on the beach in one of nicest parts of Japan....the Izu Penninsula. We're only a few hours south of Tokyo so easy access. The area is famous for onsens (hot spring baths) but if you're a shy type we have an onsen bath right in our house which runs 24/7.....There's nothing like a nice relaxing onsen after a long journey.

How does this look to you??:wink:

Well, as long as you don't eat much...

George, you and the little lady come by for a visit anytime! We'll even treat you to a plate of Rocky Mountain Oysters!!! You'll love 'em.

Sending card tomorrow,
I know this is gonna sound "phisy" but I am setting up files on penturners around the country and overseas to be organized by stateand location. I would like to get business cards from as many penturners around the world. It's only an envelope and a stamp so were not talking about much. Whoever would like to send me their card, please do so. Send to George Norris, 24407 Pine Canyon, Spring TX 77380.

Our thinking is now that Kathy has now retired and we are planning to do a lot of traveling so it would be good to have a file of where pen turners are located. We would always call or email ahead before stopping by but we would like to meet some of you during our travels.

Most penturners seem to be unique people and always fun to visit. We love to see the work done by others. We all seem to approach this hobby differently and some people just do amazing work. We can always learn something new.

We are old but we clean up pretty good and don't eat much. Maybe you'd enjoy a visit or we could buy you a dinner or lunch or something. We are heading from Houston to the Hudson Valley in NY to see a friend and then a fishing trip to the FL Keys and we are then heading to AZ, I guess to look for our "Silhouette". Just a very small penturner joke!!!

Now there are a lot of penturners so the odds are with you that will probably miss having to endure us but you never know. BTW, we have Australia in our plans for later and possibly Europe and maybe even Japan. We difinitely have Knifley, KY on the list....want to see what that town looks like.

So if you'd like to take a chance and send us a card, we would appreciate it much. I'd like to see how many cards we can get. We'll let you know in about 2 weeks how we did. Now get them cards and letters coming. We really prefer a business card as that will be an easy file to keep by state. Thanks to you all. George

I will send one out asap. If your ever in the poconos, give us a ring.

Chris, Kathy looked at your picture and said....."move Japan further up the list!!!!"

Dale, I'm on to your Rocky Mountain Oysters. Been there and done that, thank you very much!

Brian, I'm guessing that the Poconos must up there not too far from where we are going in the Hudson Valley.

And Roy, we're making one trip to see friends in Ardmore and Lone Tree, OK, Springview, NE and Olathe, KS so you might not be safe hidden in Shawnee.

Y'all are great and we are gonna try to visit some of you. We might only stop for some turning "show and tell" or we might try to take you out for dinner. I'm not sure how I'm gonna make it out on the road for 2-3 weeks without a lathe. So I may just have to borrow yours for a few minutes to settle my withdrawal symptoms. I want to see what a real lathe is all about. My little Jet is so limited and not the most "state of the art machine" around, I may be looking to see what my next one will be.

Keep them cards coming in. I'd like to run a contest to see who can guess how many cards I get. The IAP has some 6000+ members so I'm thinking maybe as many as 10%. That would be cool.
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I'm not sure how I'm gonna make it out on the road for 2-3 weeks without a lathe. So I may just have to borrow yours for a few minutes to settle my withdrawal symptoms. I want to see what a real lathe is all about. My little Jet is so limited and not the most "state of the art machine" around, I may be looking to see what my next one will be.

My cards went out in this mornings mail.. or will if the mail lady has already come by.. it's about time for her.
If you do get up in my area, my lathe is available to alleviate your withdrawal symptoms... I have both a jet mini and jet midi.
It'll be good to see a fellow Texas again.. I did a few shows in Spring before I moved up here. (Formerly of Humble, Texas)
Hey George did I mention that Knifley Ky is located on the north end of Green River Lake---plus we are about 30 minutes from Lake Cumberland.
Look forward to seeing you folks this year.
Hey I am in Conroe if you ever get out come see me :biggrin:

OK inside joke we live about 20 miles apart and try to visit often. I can verify he is not that bad of a guy but his wife is truly the "better half" :wink:
Well, Tom in Pittsburg, you are probably on the list with our trip to KS. That might be in May if the weather will cooperate.

Chuck, I have a really good retailer in Old Town Spring called Masons Art Gallery or Masons on Main St. (MOMS). They are selling about 15 pens a month and some of the higher dollar stuff like the Piano Kits and the Texas Flag pen.

Bruce, I was gonna ask where Ninety-six, NC is but I know you will tell me it's between 95 and 97.

Dion, thanks for your vote for Kathy. In all fairness I made her what she is today (old and worn-out). She had waited for me for nearly 50 years. Just an old spinster until I came along and rescued her. Her aunt came from CA for the wedding and said she had been waiting a half century to see her get married. Kinda put it in perspective. Come visit and let's do lunch soon.
On the way.
If you make it a few miles east of the Hudson, there's a few of us in the
NH/VT area with shops that have enough clear horizontal space to hold a
coffee cup or two..
First card in is Capt G, all the way from Otsego, MI. Gonna beat all the Texas cards.

Good looking card Gary and thanks. I'm gonna find some way to get up there and do some fishing. I have never caught a lake trout or salmon. Most all our fishing is salt water. Lot of time spent fishing in the FL Keys for Tarpon, Permit, Snook and Bones.

Kathy has relatives in SD and MN so we won't be too far away. I also have a buddy in Escanaba, MI. Sounds like a trip in there somewhere!!!
George, From Ardmore north to Oletha Ks., Shawnee isn't but 30 miles out of your way and the coffee is always on.
If Mt Rushmore makes your travel plans, look me up. I'm not far from it. I'll take you out for dinner or something.
Hey George if your in the aera on the 25th please do drop in our little Oklahoma gathering, throwing another burger or 2 on the grill would be a pleasure.

Well, six cards came in today. It's starting to roll. I sure hope I get to meet a lot of y'all. We are sure gonna try. Traveling starts in April.[/
Hey Roy, is that the 25th of April? One of our early trips takes us to Ardmore, OK, then to Springview, NE, over to Olathe, KS and back home through AK. About a 2 week trip. Our new traveling vehicle came in this week so we are ready to pack up and go in about 3 weeks.

2009 Buick Enclave with bells and whistles I don't even know what or where they are. I called and talked to the Onstar lady. I told her I was taking a ride and just wanted to make sure she was awake in case something happened. Car cost more than double what I paid for my house. House was bought in 1970.


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Yep, 25th of April, hope you can make it. Nice ride!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Roy, is that the 25th of April? One of our early trips takes us to Ardmore, OK, then to Springview, NE, over to Olathe, KS and back home through AK. About a 2 week trip. Our new traveling vehicle came in this week so we are ready to pack up and go in about 3 weeks.

2009 Buick Enclave with bells and whistles I don't even know what or where they are. I called and talked to the Onstar lady. I told her I was taking a ride and just wanted to make sure she was awake in case something happened. Car cost more than double what I paid for my house. House was bought in 1970.
Well I don't have any business cards yet, just getting started. But if you would like my contact info you can email me at the contact address on here. Going from the keys to back home you will probably be drivint Interstate 10 so you will pass within a mile of my neighborhood in Slidell, Louisiana. You guys are more than welcome to drop in and say hello, but don't be surprized if I pick your brain about pen turning.:rolleyes: Hope you can make it.
Hey Roy, is that the 25th of April? One of our early trips takes us to Ardmore, OK, then to Springview, NE, over to Olathe, KS and back home through AK. About a 2 week trip. Our new traveling vehicle came in this week so we are ready to pack up and go in about 3 weeks.

2009 Buick Enclave with bells and whistles I don't even know what or where they are. I called and talked to the Onstar lady. I told her I was taking a ride and just wanted to make sure she was awake in case something happened. Car cost more than double what I paid for my house. House was bought in 1970.

Nice ride..Just be aware that we drive on the other side of the road over here.:biggrin:
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We got 8 more cards today for a total now of 18. Keep them coming, that's barely a scratch with 6000+ members but it is a start. Also like to get some from other countries just to see what the cards are like.

Steven, been through Slidell many times and may very well stop on the way back. And you are welcome to pick what is left of my brain.

Snowman, we are trying to work something out to get in a visit next weekend. Looks like the training in Jasper might get cut short and we may have Sat free. I'll let y'all know. Get Dotty thinking about cooking one of her specialties. I've been thinking about that since y'all were here last week.
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