Bunch of firsts

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Dec 17, 2014
Clayton, NC
Here is my first attempt at a segmented pen. It is also my first Cigar pen, my first time using aluminum and my first custom finial. Is is NO where near perfect but I do no where I need to make modifications to the segmenting process to fix my mistakes.

It is a Black Titanium and Platinum Cigar Hybrid made with Koa and Peruvian Walnut. The finish, also not perfect, is a BLO/CA finish.

I have earned a TON of respect and admiration for those of you that make segmented pens for a living...do not know how you do it.

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Nice design! I really like the segmentation. The more subtle contrast between the woods is really excellent. Most of the time contrast means maple and walnut or maple and padauk. This looks more unique to me. Not a big fan of the shape, though. I'm thinking it would benefit from a bit of a "diet".
Thanks for the compliments. The main reason for the wood choice was that I have had a small chunk of Koa just sitting around since I was stationed in Hawaii and the Walnut was used because I already had the thin strips left over from a chess board I made my son for Christmas. It might be a little "chunky", used to making smaller pens that need "fattening", but is still feels pretty comfortable and it is not as fat as it looks in the photos.

Nice design! I really like the segmentation. The more subtle contrast between the woods is really excellent. Most of the time contrast means maple and walnut or maple and padauk. This looks more unique to me. Not a big fan of the shape, though. I'm thinking it would benefit from a bit of a "diet".
I really like the design and the aluminum really sets each piece off nicely.
Geart first......now keep it and compare it to your 50th segmented pen.

Nice work.
Your pattern is perfectly central to each half of the pen and you maintained absolute straightness when you drilled the hole. IMHO, this is where many segmenters go wrong ( particularly of Celtic Crosses).
Very impressive attention to detail. You'll have to do something pretty special to make the 50th any better. Well done.!!:biggrin:
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