Buffing Sunglasses...

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Dec 30, 2009
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I have boughten Ray Bans for years...some are glass lenses and others are plastic. I have probably three or four pairs of ray bans with scratched plastic lenses.....do you guys with more experience than I think I could buff them on my beall buff system? I realize I can not get aggressive but maybe the middle buff with the white diamond? I don't see that there are coatings on them...the color seems to be impregnated into the plastic. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Woodchipper...I don't wear glasses...clipping them on to anything sounds painful!

JT...Thank you...I tried all 8 fixes and it really polished up the lenses but made the scratches more prominent....they now reside in the dumpster. But hey we tried right? You never know until you try!
Woodchipper...I don't wear glasses...clipping them on to anything sounds painful!

JT...Thank you...I tried all 8 fixes and it really polished up the lenses but made the scratches more prominent....they now reside in the dumpster. But hey we tried right? You never know until you try!
Sorry it did not work out. Maybe you could have done what you originally asked about doing before you trashed them.
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