BT Leatherette Box vs WnW Box

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Jan 17, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
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It is my experience that I rarely sell a box with a pen, maybe a handful a year. I started about a year ago to put my pens in the nice black cardboard boxes sold by Monty, cost is less than a buck and is incorporated in my pricing. For the cheaper pens (basic Sierras, Slimlines etc) I use the simple suedette pouches, I think they are less than a quarter a piece or so. Makes the customer happy. I stock now only the nice wooden boxes with fitted inserts from Arizona Silhouette if someone wants a special box.
I use the cardboard boxes that Monty sells too, if someone buys a pen it will usually be put in the cardboard unless they want a better quality option then it gets put into a leatherette box from BTW.

What I have found out over the years is that the box gets thrown into a drawer and never used again, if they get a leather or even leatherette pen pouch/wallet they will use it more.
We keep wooden boxes on hand and offer them at the time of sale. We tend to sell bunch of them in the last month or two of the season because a higher percentage of pens are bought as gifts during that time.
I have a large order that the customer has asked for leatherette boxes. Thanks for the box advice, though.

Bump for an answer. Anyone?
I include a box in the price of every pen I sell. The leatherette box you linked to is one of my favorites. It's one of the few that are deep enough to hold cigars.
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