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Mar 9, 2006
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA.
I have some orders to fill and have been waiting (hoping, praying) for a warming trend in central Ohio. Instead, it just keeps getting colder! It is now a whopping 9 degrees, my garage-cum-workshop is not insulated and all of my tools are made of metal!

It is nice to have orders!

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Chris, I hear you. My shop is heated and it's still not warm enough to work out there. And I have things to get done too! AARRRGGHHH, BBRRRRR, AARRRGGHHH, BBRRRRR, AARRRGGHHH, BBRRRRR!
Today makes day 6 of heating my shop 24/7 with a wood stove.
I am getting real tired of getting up in the middle of the night and feeding the stove. I am keeping the temp up to about 45 degrees---warm enough to work.
Today, in Iowa we got up to a HIGH of 8! Now we're back down to 2. But that still doesn't compare to the -5 we had this weekend with the -30 wind chill.
Still, doesn't compare to our neighbors to the North!
I have to say I do not love the cold, I work outside and presently it is 10 with a wind chill of -5. But I make my living in the forest products industry and now that winter is finally here loggers can finally get some wood out. Previously it had been too wet in the woods and loggers in most cases were at a stand still. This is not usually something that happens in the middle of January. We usually have about half of our spring mud season inventory of logs in the mill yard now but because of the mild weather and rain that we had early in the "winter" season we are just starting to build that inventory.

I for one like to be able to work instead of twiddle my thumbs so I am thankful for the cold at the moment. Sorry if that bothers you.

Originally posted by alamocdc
<br />Chris, I hear you. My shop is heated and it's still not warm enough to work out there. And I have things to get done too! AARRRGGHHH, BBRRRRR, AARRRGGHHH, BBRRRRR, AARRRGGHHH, BBRRRRR!

Billy, sounds like you are a cold pirate.[;)]

Thank goodness for insulation! It's 0 here. I fired up the heater about an hour ago, so it should be close to 70 in the shop [:p]
Its 4 degrees outside today with a wind chill taking it to -11. 5inches of snow expected today as well.

My Hot Dawg heater keeps the shop at a steady 66 degrees.[8D]


Roger Garrett
-4 yesterday morning and -3 this morning so far here south of Cleveland. Regular shop is not insulated and is an attached garage. Luckily, I moved my lathe into the basement a month or two ago and can work inside. no big deal if I have to work outside though as my 200k BTU kero heater warms things up in a hurry.
Oops, I meant my shop was in an Un-attached garage. kind of makes a difference when it's relly cold outside. (too late to edit original post)
Hey all of you hardy northern guys, all we have to do is put on a little heaver coat or some long john's and we keep warm.
Remember, July and August will come and then we will see some crying from the south about how hot it is. And they can't take anything off to keep cool.
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