Broken hearted (2nd time in 6 weeks)

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Had to take my old dog Zebo to be put down tonight, not quite 6 weeks had passed since we had to put the boxer down. Zebo started showing all the signs of kidney failure and he was beginning to refuse to get up and walk in the mornings. We figured that we owed it to him to ease his pain but Mine will last for a while

Rest in peace old friend, I'll miss you terribly.

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Man, I know your pain, too many times. The quickest way I get over it is to get a new dog. That's my way, won't work for others. That was a beautiful dog. I just can't imagine life without a dog around. I have always hat a couple dogs. What great friends they make.

Very sorry about your loss.
Originally posted by Mudder

Had to take my old dog Zebo to be put down tonight,

Take care. Remember the good times.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" -- Will Rogers
Scott, I know how close we get to mans best friend and you have had more than your share of pain, you did the right thing for Zebo.
Scott, I know how hard this is for you. Remember the times when Zebo made you smile, remember the times that you enjoyed. One day he will see you at Rainbow Bridge. I share your pain.
I am so sorry for your loss Scott . Five dogs for me in my life . So , I know how you feel . Thanks for posting a picture of your CHAMPION . I'm truly sad for you .
Hey Scott,
I'm sure there will always be a place in your heart were he will live. Just think of all the love he gave you unconditionally. and all that you gave him.

He'll be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.
Man, that's tough Scott. Really sad news. That pic of Zebo looks like it's ready to speak to you. It's face reminds me of the pup in the movie Babe. My sympathies.:(
Dang, that really sucks, Scott. Our pets depend on us to save them from suffering, but I sure do wish there was another way... :( Our beloved friends will all be waiting for us, tails wagging, down the road a ways.

I know what you are going through. Had to put my "best buddy" down a couple of years ago and can't bring myself to get another dog. We now have cats and I am very attached to them, but there is something unique about the relationship we share with a dog.

I believe God gives us animals not that we may just have a companion, but to show us what unconditional love really is. We can learn from our pets. Like many others have said here, the thing that gets you through the loss is remembering the good times you had with Zebo.

And like someone else wrote, I believe we will be re-united with them someday. My sincerest and heart felt sympathy for your loss.


I am so sorry to hear of this! I'm sure he was a very lucky dog to have lived with you! Know that many of us feel your pain.

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