Brain Transplant

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Feb 16, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
I was down in the shop turning a pen when I got to thinking about my friend who was in a car accident a couple of months ago. It was pretty bad. When his wife got to the emergency room the doctor rushed over to her and said, "Ma'am, the accident was pretty bad. Looks like your husband is going to need a brain transplant."

The wife said, "Oh my gosh! A brain transplant?? That sounds terribly expensive. How much does a brain cost?"

The doctor said, "Hold on. I'll check on the price."

He came back a few minutes later and said, "Well, ma'am. I checked on the price of a brain. We can get a man's brain for $28,350. But, I have a woman's brain that we can use and it's only $1,450."

The wife asks, "The woman's brain is more expensive than the man's brain? I don't understand. How can that be?"

The doctor replies, "Well, ma'am .... the woman's brain is cheaper because it's been used!"
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"The woman's brain is more expensive than the man's brain?"

I think there is a typo here [;)]

But it's means I am using mine [;)]
Hahhahahhaha I need a brain transplant!!! Not just a loser ... a joke screwer-upper. Wait til Cav sees this one. (and it's too late for me to edit it!!) LOLOLOL[:D][:D][:D][:D]
Al's just trying to suck up to Ang, Becca and the rest of the... gal... no they don't like that, er... gir... no, they don't like that either... Venucians, no, not everyone would understand that... sweet thangs, no too endearing... I guess women will have to do. [}:)][;)]
OK ... I think I got it now .... the man's brain was $1,450 ... and the woman's brain was ..... ummmmmm ... let me go call my friend's wife and check on the price. [:D]
Billy, I'm not too persnickity on what you call me. I love gal, girl, your Highness, High Priestess, Supreme Being [:D]

I think Al got it right the second time, the mans brain was on sale[}:)]
Al, don't worry, I have your back!

What you need to do is immediately ask Jeff to close your account. Then, rejoin using a new, non-controversial name. Using a hyphenated name will show how politically correct this new member is and no one will suspect that the new member is the now infamous DocStram. Something like Clinton-Bush might be a good name. Just type carefully, an extra "s" might get you in trouble again. [}:)][}:)]
Cav ...... YOU have my back????? "Al, delete your DocStram account and start all over?" THAT'S the best you can do for me? You want me to remake myself??? I can't do it. I know my station in life. There's no changing it. I am, what I am.

Brings back an old joke in my house. When my 3 kids were growing up and in middle school, they would sometimes "jokingly" call me "Dr. Dork". I used to tell them that Dorkdom was a pretty good life. Now that I'm an old guy, I'm OK with whom I am. I've learned to live with myself. [xx(]

Sometimes when I come to IAP ... I just laugh and laugh. [:D] "Clinton-Bush" .... oh mannnn, I'm home alone ... and laughing out loud.
Sometimes when I come to IAP ... I just laugh and laugh. [:D] "Clinton-Bush" .... oh mannnn, I'm home alone ... and laughing out loud.

Al, what's that you're doing home alone???[}:)][}:)]

Billy, I'm kind of partial to "sweet thang" myself![:X][:X]
At least your actually reading something and laughing. Some of us just will sit around and laugh for no reason.[:0]

BTW- was that a joke you were telling?
Originally posted by ilikewood
<br />BTW- was that a joke you were telling?

Oh no .... not you too, Bill!! Just go ahead and pile on with everybody else. [:(]

Ang ... I'm having a Bachelor's Weekend in the Shop, as Lou describes it. Wifey has today and Monday off (Presidents' Holiday). Sooo I surprised her with a plane ticket to Pgh so she can visit her mom and sisters. She was even more surprised that it was a round trip ticket![:0]
Originally posted by DocStram
<br />
Originally posted by ilikewood
<br />BTW- was that a joke you were telling?

Oh no .... not you too, Bill!! Just go ahead and pile on with everybody else. [:(]

Ang ... I'm having a Bachelor's Weekend in the Shop, as Lou describes it. Wifey has today and Monday off (Presidents' Holiday). Sooo I surprised her with a plane ticket to Pgh so she can visit her mom and sisters. She was even more surprised that it was a round trip ticket![:0]

That sounds like you did a very nice thing for your wife! And letting her come back too! Are you sure she plans to use the trip back part? [}:)][}:)]

You know though, everyone knows what kinds of things go on at bachelor pads! [:X][:X][;)][;)] We WILL expect to see some new pens coming from you this weekend, just to show you really were in the shop and were actually working in it! I think at least five should be produced in order to measure that you really were turning all weekend! [:D][:D]
You know though, everyone knows what kinds of things go on at bachelor pads! [:X][:X][;)][;)] We WILL expect to see some new pens coming from you this weekend, just to show you really were in the shop and were actually working in it! I think at least five should be produced in order to measure that you really were turning all weekend! [:D][:D]

Oh, No Ang! You have it all wrong. I've been married all my life .... 37 years and we dated for 3 years before that. Our marriage is built on a solid foundation of trust and unconditional love.

With that said .... I was wondering .... how old of a girl are you, Ang? [;)][}:)]

When people ask my wife how we've stay married for so long, my wife usually replies by saying, "We both never wanted divorced at the same time."
Reminds me of that old joke ...... let's see if I can get it right ..... three old guys (about the age of Billy, James, and me) are sitting on a park bench one sunny afternoon. This beautiful young gal walks by. The one old guy says, "Remember when we used to hug all of the pretty gals?" The other two smile.

Pretty soon another gal walks by, even prettier than the first. The second old guy says, "Oh yeah, and remember when we used to kiss all of the pretty gals?" The other two grin.

Then, a really beautiful gal walks by. The third old guy says, "Ohhh boy ...... remember when we used to .... ummmmm ... my memory is slipping. What was that third thing we used to do?"
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