I have my own domain name and so my e-mail address is keith at mydomain dot com. Lately I have been getting a lot of e-mails bouncing back to me as undeliverable with the 550 error code blocked for abuse or blocked for spam
This is especially true for people who I e-mail with and e-mail address.
I suspect my domain name has been blocked or blacklisted by these domains for spam. I did some searching and found pages on the respective sites with a form I could request that my domain name be unblocked. I filled in the forms for bellsouth and comcast.
Is there anything else I can do? Will filling in these forms help or am I just whistling in cyberspace?
Any suggestions/comments would be welcome. I know my way around a computer but am not a geek so please use simple language Thanks.
This is especially true for people who I e-mail with and e-mail address.
I suspect my domain name has been blocked or blacklisted by these domains for spam. I did some searching and found pages on the respective sites with a form I could request that my domain name be unblocked. I filled in the forms for bellsouth and comcast.
Is there anything else I can do? Will filling in these forms help or am I just whistling in cyberspace?
Any suggestions/comments would be welcome. I know my way around a computer but am not a geek so please use simple language Thanks.