Bocote shortage?

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Sep 30, 2019
North Carolina, USA
This seems like a good place for this post. In an email from WPHardwoods, it said that their bocote turning stock sale is ending on 4/18 and that it will be hard to get soon. I can't find any info regarding this. Has anyone heard about a shortage or an update to the CITES status?
It seems to me that many of the exotics have feast or famine cycles. I have presumed it is because of the way it is harvested, milled and shipped in. Once a series of cargo containers arrive, are distributed and depleted there is a lag in the cycle.

The famine typically aligns with when you plan to use a specific wood for something. Don't worry, I'm only a few months to a couple of years it will be back on sale everywhere. šŸ˜Š

Some countries do enact their own bans and restrictions. I also expect the combined logistics, fuel cost and global unrest can upset things, too.
My local woodworking store used to have a lot of it, I haven't seen any there in quite some time.
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