Best way to reassemble one that came apart during drilling?

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Nov 20, 2012
Jeffersonton, VA
This is my first attempt at segmenting. It's buckeye burl and aluminum flashing glued up with 5 minute epoxy.

The first one drilled just fine, but the cap came apart at the last section during driling. Since it was still mounted, I went ahead and drilled it the rest of the way so I _could_ assemble it with a short section of pen tube inside, then invert it so the pen tube falls out. Or I could try to glue it up around the tube and glue the tube in at the same time, but I'm worried about the tube not being centered if I can't see it.



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Since it is drilled the whole way through, I would glue it together the same time I am putting the tube in. I'm not sure what you are saying about the tube not being centered. Are you meaning after you put your clamps on you won't be able to see the tube? If you dry assemble the pieces first, you can see how far from the one end you need to make the tube. The larger piece should keep the tube from sliding around inside very easily when you put the small piece back on. What I would be worried about trying to glue them together off of the tube would be keeping the holes aligned, which is critical since you drilled them to the final size already.
Let's talk Bret...I have 2 on the lathe as we speak...they are not easy, simple or quick! PM for # and I may be able to help!
Well, I got all full of myself and decided instead of clamping them this time, to go ahead and assemble with the tube in place, use rubber bands for clamping and pray a lot. I'll report back after turning them tomorrow.

Chris, yeah, I made it a tad oversized to allow for squaring, and wanted it to as close to centered as possible so that one end doesn't end up looking shorter than the other when I'm finished.

Jim, thanks for the offer. Sorry I got impatient. ;-)
I usually don't tube and glue at the same time but I can see he point. It is very hard to get things back together once the hole is full size but it certainly can be done. I just scrapped 4 caps that were all done and kept coming apart in favor of just starting over. The more these get put back together the more off they become and I had glued these way too many times.
...and it was going so well...

I started turning the barrel section and this happened close to the bushing thickness. I was tapering the end down to the bushing itself when the BEB section just came apart. The rest of the barrel is intact. Could I just drill out a new piece, glue it in place, and try again?


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Ok yes that is an easy fix. Just drill it and glue it all up at the same time. I wish I had looked more closely sorry. Just drill the new peice and part it off on the lathe this will make sure it is straight and then just glue it up entirely with the tube. I use a bolt and a few washers sometimes as a clamp in this type of situation. Just remember you don't need to really torque on that bolt to get a good set. Just snug it up really good and you will be finished. That is going to be a very nice pen when you get it finished. The breaks that I have been having have very complex pieces and as I reglue them things sometimes work out and sometimes don't.

Good luck can't wait to see the finished product.
By the way you can fix any blank that blows up this same way, just turn away the blown up part then make another turn at the opposite end and then match up some contrasting wood. You have an instant beauty when you do this...
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