Best thing that happened to you today???

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Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
Whats the best thing that happened to you today. I'm going to tell a story about a little old man that woke up a young dumb kid who lived next door, to a man who had recently passed on. I'm that dumb kid about 17 years old or so. Well it was summer and about noon, yes I was sleeping(must have had an important party the night before)when I heard a banging at my door. It was a white haired gentlemen that could not have been a over 120 pounds and 5' 6", he asked about my neighbor. I explained he had passed about a month before, he paused for a moment a tear rolled down his check and he asked me a question. Son whats the best thing that happened to you today? I paused this time for a moment and replied I got woke up by my little 2 year old nephew at 6:30 in the mourning trying to feed me a banana. He laughed and told me I would be alright, that way to many of us answer that we bought something new or we got a raise at work, that money seems to always be involved in most people answers. Then he said the best thing that happens to anyone on any givin day is we wake up to a new day, a new set of opportunities. I'm getting the chills thinking of my conversation with this wise older gentlemen. I must have told this story a few hundred times and it makes me remember what is really valuable in this life and its friends-n-family. Wanted to say thanks to everyone for such a great communitiy, and lets keep it going in 2008. Victor
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The best thing for me is that my father woke up this morning, and with 50% of his mind working. We could actually carry on somewhat of a conversation, and he knew what day it was. He did make the remark that he was glad to see his 84th Chrismas, but knew it would be his last and that he hoped to see his 84th New Year also, but didn't expect to.

It is good today

The best thing for me happened just a few minutes ago...a friend that I had a "rift" for a few months now walked in my door. Not much was said but it is a big step.

A great way to start the coming new year.
I am having a great day, But I still have a favorite moment so far. I got up at 4:00, got on the computer and basically loafed til 5:30. At that time I lit candles around the house. plugged in the tree and started getting the house ready for when people started waking up. My wife heard me moving around and came out and set with me til almost 7:00.
We so rarely get nothing time together. with 3 teenagers, working different schedules and just keeping it all together. That hour and a half with just my wife, nothing to do, and able to just talk about nothing really important. That is the best thing that has happened to me today.
For me, it was watching my wife talk to her brother on the phone for an hour. The brother that disowned here a year ago. She thought he was gone forever.
I realized that I am happy being single, yes I have been in relationships, but I saw how my Brother and his girlfriend were interacting, and having none of the stress of having to visit one family and then the next.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to be in a relationship, or married, but right now in my life, being single is the best I can be.

I get to do what I want, turn pens when I want, go visit an Airshow when I want, just having freedom, and not having anyone to report to.

Not having a house full of relatives this year. Just our immediate family having a nice quite peaceful Christmas.

Also reflecting back to where I was last Christmas, which was recovering from a near fatal motorcycle accident. I was in a lot of broken pieces and not sure if I would have use of my left arm ever again. I went from being kept alive by machinery last year to being back to full health this Christmas - minus a spleen and a broken left arm that needs to be fixed. This is a good Christmas.
Other than having a great day with the two kids (4 and 7 months) I finally got it right with the wife's gift. She cried a bit after I gave her a new iPod touch. Now, we don't buy a lot of exspensive stuff, we don't use credit and you guys helped me get her that iPod. Several of you bought stuff from me in the classifieds so I could get it. By the ways, she says "thanks" and so do I.
Originally posted by les-smith

I finally got it right with the wife's gift. She cried a bit after I gave her a new iPod touch.

That made my day :) Been wondering if you got there, glad to hear she liked the gift!
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