Best Featured Pen Contest

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
Hi Lee!

Are you ready to go with the Featured Pen contest?

Jeff posted this on the Pen and Penturner topic, but I think it was meant for you:

I finally got the archive together for the last quarter.

It includes the one that will be posted on 12/31.


I’m thinking this would be a good contest to kick things off with, so start it out on January first or soon after. What do you think?

How many prizes do you want to award? I am thinking three, for First, Second and Third, but we could do more if you want. I am also thinking that these should be pretty good prizes. Let me know!

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Pretty much, I just saw that archive, grabbed the photos and re-named them by number.

I just came over to toss out an idea. If I am corect, this is a month long deal, Right?? If so, do we have the resources to split the contest up into four parts? If we start on the 1st, we can run 1-8 / 9-15 / 16-22 / 23-29 (Yea, it leaves 2 days, but it's even!)

My reasoning is that the length of the web page and just the sheer number of photos (57) will be a lot to look at and pick out a top favorite. Split up the photos by quarter seems like a better way to do it, even if we have to narrow it down to the top pen and no second prizes. (More would be better, but we need to know what we have!)

It will also make it a lot easier to down load the page, transfer files ect...

Let me know so I can work on it either way. If we split it up, all I need to do is drop some photos off the one that is done and it's ready to go for week one.
Splitting the pens up into 4 contests, each of 8 pens is quite neat...very much like a round-robin...

Then the winners would match up, and you'd end up with two pens going head to head in the final...

And that way, you could give four prizes...each weekly 'round robin' winner could get a prize, and the big one would go to the overall winner...keeps the prizes going and the contest going all month!

Yea, that was kind of my thought. At the very end we have 2 days to vote for the "Best Pen of the Year" with a four way race.

Plus, it drags out the contest so it seems "bigger" and more people can be top winners. I think that just one top prize could be awarded for the quarter and a nicer prize can be awarded for the best of the best. :D
Andrew - sounds good to me either way you want to run it! Send me the files with instructions on how you want them laid out!

Hi Lee!

This sounds good! I like it!

As far as prizes, we have some prizes to give away, so don't feel like you need to hold back. Ideally, how many prizes would you want to award each week, and then how many at the end? I am thinking two each week, and then one nice prize for the top winner at the end. But more or less would be fine. Let me know.

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