Hey Everyone,
This is my first topic post and I don't exactly know if this is the right category for this, but can I get some advise on what the best dust mask is for toxic/dusty woods and minor chemicals too (worst will be paint thinner). And what filters do you think I will want if it is one that you pick those as well. Since I can't afford a dust collection system and I am going to be doing this for a VERY long time I don't want to eventually get a respiratory problem. I need one that is under $100. Or do any of you think I don't even need one? Thanks for the help,
This is my first topic post and I don't exactly know if this is the right category for this, but can I get some advise on what the best dust mask is for toxic/dusty woods and minor chemicals too (worst will be paint thinner). And what filters do you think I will want if it is one that you pick those as well. Since I can't afford a dust collection system and I am going to be doing this for a VERY long time I don't want to eventually get a respiratory problem. I need one that is under $100. Or do any of you think I don't even need one? Thanks for the help,