Anyone have any experience with this? What are the pros and cons?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
I never heard of it. Is it an epoxy or poly resin or something else? Is it a cast resin or a bar top coat resin being used as a casting resin.I am surprised that with all the experience I have seen on this site that no one has any experience with Beast Bond Resin!
My cousin makes castings with it and he cast a couple of pen blanks for me. I will give it a try and let you know!
John thanks for your comments. My cousin uses it for casting. He makes lots of bowls, platters etc. I turned the first one and it turned easily bit doesn't polish well. I put CA on it and will try to finish it tonight and post a pictureOK I looked this resin up and from what I gather this is a top coating epoxy resin and not a casting resin. I say that because it is a 1to1 mix and I saw nothing in description for casting so I will not be trying.