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Jan 17, 2008
corpus christi, texas, USA.
I know there are more of us out there. I'm sure of only 1 other but Star Trek has arrived and I can't wait to get out of work to go. Would like to hear from other "trekies" on what their thoughts on the new flick are.
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I am super stoked. I admit I am more of the newer generation(DS9, voyager, next gen.), which makes me a pretend trekie, but this looks great.
I'll probably go to a matinee one day next week. It's going to be a great movie! The biggest thing for me will be after 40 odd years of watching Shatner, Nimoy and Co playing the characters to see different actors in those roles....and from the previews boy do they seem young!
The only thing I see that might possibly be a drawback for this "newer" Star Trek is the amount of action I've seen so far. As an old Trekker I know that action wasn't always the answer.....but hey it seems that's what sells movies now days.
I'm a fan of the original, but I don't plan to see this. From what I've seen of the previews and read about the plot the only relation this has to the original is the names of the characters. Just like the last series "Enterprise", started off promising and went down hill quickly.
Yeah, sure would be nice to see the original characters.

Shatner, about 230 pounds, waddles in and asks Spock (looking 105 years old) for a science report. Spock doesn't look up from his screen, until Shatner walks over and turns up his hearing aid. They both turn to the helmsman, who is sleeping at his console, after a hard night of bars in San Fran.

AAAHHHHhhhhhhh, the original cast --- they sure were characters, eh???
Pass the popcorn...

I'm a fan of the original, but I don't plan to see this. From what I've seen of the previews and read about the plot the only relation this has to the original is the names of the characters. Just like the last series "Enterprise", started off promising and went down hill quickly.

I watched the original series the first time round; and every other series after that. If you enjoyed any of them, you will enjoy the movie... if you approach it with an open mind; just like we had to do for each of the spin off series.

Yes, there's a lot of action; but that's OK by me. There are also a lot of subtle references to previous series that will only be meaningful to someone who followed them.

There's no downside to going. Just sit back, with your soda and popcorn, and enjoy.
Yeah, sure would be nice to see the original characters.

Shatner, about 230 pounds, waddles in and asks Spock (looking 105 years old) for a science report. Spock doesn't look up from his screen, until Shatner walks over and turns up his hearing aid. They both turn to the helmsman, who is sleeping at his console, after a hard night of bars in San Fran.

AAAHHHHhhhhhhh, the original cast --- they sure were characters, eh???
Ed you failed to mention that Shatner wouldn't have any pants on .....just like his denny Crane character! :biggrin:
Alex , I'm not a Trekie like you but will Spock be having another Amok time like in your avitar ? .

Oh yea by the way , do you know what Spock says in that scene ?
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I saw it this evening and was very surprised. Good movie, great plot, lots of action. I was not expecting much - and that may be why I liked it so much - it was more than I was expecting.
Saw it last night love it! only the driving scene in iowa bothered me -if you have what was lost like me youll understand why. Trekkies Go- I had a ball.
Yeah, sure would be nice to see the original characters.

Shatner, about 230 pounds, waddles in and asks Spock (looking 105 years old) for a science report. Spock doesn't look up from his screen, until Shatner walks over and turns up his hearing aid. They both turn to the helmsman, who is sleeping at his console, after a hard night of bars in San Fran.

AAAHHHHhhhhhhh, the original cast --- they sure were characters, eh???

Whaaaaaaaahahaha! Mean while, down in engineering, Scottie has set up a side line business of selling, and modifying electric wheel chairs!! And he still can't configure the replicators to produce a good tasting prune juice cocktail!!!!
Well, IMHO, being a true Trekkie since Sept 8, 1966. The show title was "The man trap" and boy did it trap me. I had my doubts that the new show would let me down. It didn't in any way, except that now I have updated my avatar, and boy is that scary. I would recommend the show to all us old guys @ (pr princess) gals. It seems it left the franchise wide open for more than just one sequel. I gotta say it "Live long and Prosper"
Well, IMHO, being a true Trekkie since Sept 8, 1966. The show title was "The man trap" and boy did it trap me. I had my doubts that the new show would let me down. It didn't in any way, except that now I have updated my avatar, and boy is that scary. I would recommend the show to all us old guys @ (pr princess) gals. It seems it left the franchise wide open for more than just one sequel. I gotta say it "Live long and Prosper"

[FONT=&quot] BTW Alex I liked your old avatar. You should pay no attention to Ed, as 105 isn't even middle age for a Vulcan!:cool:

[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]It will likely be a while before I am able to see the film. So I won't make any comments on the content. Except to say, that I do hope that you are right Alex. That there is more. Not just for us, but for another whole new generation. This franchise, with all that it has come to represent, now has yet another opportunity to showcase itself. To fire the imagination, to affirm the belief in the human potential… Just as it did once before, all those years ago. So when you all go and see the film (and you know you will :biggrin:), "make a difference". Take your kids, take your grand kids. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]After all, cavorting around the galaxy is a game for the young…. Or in the very least, the young at heart.:wink:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Peace and long life, my friend. \\//[/FONT]
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I've watched every Star Trek series from the start of the original series. (Chekov wasn't on until the second season)

Then the movies came out went to see every one. I loved them all!

When I first heard about the new Trek movie, I decided not to waste my time, I just had this feeling it was going to really really bad and didn't want to be disappointed.

My daughter came home from college and insisted that she take me to see the movie on opening night.

Now you have to understand, I'm an old fart, I don't want to go to the movies at midnight and stand in line with all these weird kids dressed up like aliens.

So here I find myself... in line... with pointy ears... saying to myself, this is just to strange, I must be nuts... I should be at home asleep.

We finally got in and grabbed some pretty good seats and waited for all those dang previews to be over so we can watch the movie.

And Then It Started!
All the characters where believable, the story was captivating and Spock got the girl instead of Kirk!

I really glad I got to see it
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