My new Barracuda chuck (the 'Cuda 1) arrived today, all nice and shiney.
So I put it on the lathe, but praise the Lord I didn't turn on the lathe. I spun the handwheel, instinctively to see how it spun.
The thing is probably a heavy 16th" out of round. I checked and rechecked if I had it tightly screwed on, and I did. I double checked my lathe, which has been sitting dormant for a few months during this rough semester, and it seems as good as ever (which ain't saying much, the Delta leaves a LOT to be desired).
My Beall seems to turn true and nice, but man is that 'Cuda chuck horrid. Back to PSI it's a-goin. If the next one comes in just as FUBR as this one, no 'mo PSI chucks. I'll stick with Teknatool.
So I put it on the lathe, but praise the Lord I didn't turn on the lathe. I spun the handwheel, instinctively to see how it spun.
The thing is probably a heavy 16th" out of round. I checked and rechecked if I had it tightly screwed on, and I did. I double checked my lathe, which has been sitting dormant for a few months during this rough semester, and it seems as good as ever (which ain't saying much, the Delta leaves a LOT to be desired).
My Beall seems to turn true and nice, but man is that 'Cuda chuck horrid. Back to PSI it's a-goin. If the next one comes in just as FUBR as this one, no 'mo PSI chucks. I'll stick with Teknatool.