Baron [rant]

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Oct 27, 2009
Marietta, GA
I will be very careful about what I write because I am extremely upset.
For the second time my favorite carry pen, a Desert Ironwood Baron, untwisted in my pocket.
Ruined another shirt.
Dang it!

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Lee I feel the pain, I had it happen with a Maj Jr. one sport shirt relegated to work shirt status
Happened to me with a jr gent II fountain, but somehow it didn't run everywhere. i guess i got lucky.

perhaps one of the magnetic cap pens would suit your needs.
Bummer Lee!
I seem to remember someone selling O-rings to slip on these, or some other kit,
it helped them stay shut.
Not that you should need to..but I'm just offering a possible solution since you like the pen.
I have a nice pair of jeans and nice khaki shorts with big black ink stains in the pocket, too (the price of wearing tshirts with no pocket - the pen ends up in the pants pocket...). Feeling your pain, Lee. Look at the bright side - you have a new shop shirt!
On the Baron, glue the center coupler ring to the barrel and when pressing the coupler, stop about .5 mm short of it being flush. Problem solved.
From the instructions on the Arizona Silhouette site, in step 3C it says to
Press the remaining COUPLER & TRIM RING into the other end of the long pen blank. The picture shows it well.

Instead of pressing the coupler and trim ring all the way flush, barely press the two into the long pen blank. At this point, set the trim ring to the end of the blank, being very careful not to glue the trim ring to the coupler. I use a toothpick. Then press the coupler into the long blank until the threads are just short of flush with the trim ring. This creates a natural 'stop' for screwing the cap on, which solves the problem.
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