Baron pen - Threads pushed up into cap???

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Feb 2, 2006
Harrisburg, PA 17112
I put out some of my pens for a Church auction, sold some, some didn't sell. I noticed one of the pens (a Baron) didn't sell, and I couldn't get the nib to thread into the cap. It appears someone pushed the nib section so hard the threads got forced up into the cap so far they don't catch the nib threads.

I know how to fix and will do that today, but has anyone else seen this same situation?????

How to prevent in future??? CA???
Same problem here -- like you say, I think it happens when someone tries to push the cap on rather than screw it on. I put a warning on the info card I give with cap pens to screw on rather than press on (for the few that actually read the card). I use CA when I'm in no hurry and can allow the CA to cure for a couple of weeks (else risk the powdery residue from CA curing). I use red Loctite when I'm in a hurry. Both minimize the problem but suspect some gorillas can still break it loose! One of the reasons I'm not fond of Barons -- Jr Gent line seems much less susceptible to this.
Same problem here -- like you say, I think it happens when someone tries to push the cap on rather than screw it on

I use red Loctite when I'm in a hurry. Both minimize the problem but suspect some gorillas can still break it loose! One of the reasons I'm not fond of Barons -- Jr Gent line seems much less susceptible to this.

Thanks Jim; I took the cap apart. The threads don't appear damaged. nib still threads on cap threads. I have some red loctitie in the shop. Pu tsome between the plastic threaded coupler and the CB. Put more on the cap and finial. Appears to be good.... Thanks again....
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