Bandsaw and thumb!! ouch!!!

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Jul 10, 2007
Kurtistown, Big Island of Hawaii, USA.
Hi everyone, I have not posted much recently because of the title of this post,, I should say bandsaw thumb and hammer because the bachsaw was off when I hurt my thumb.
I was working on changing the bearings in my bandsaw and did not have a wheel puller to take off the drive pully so I cut out 2 wedges on my other bandsaw and started to hammer the pulley off, well all was going fine until the hammer slipped and hit my thumb, it his so hard it split the nail in half, that was good because the Doctor said thay would have to drill a hole in my nail to relieve the preasure but the crack did that, boy now I know what Fred Flintstone felt like when he smashed his thumb and it would throb in the cartoon 5 times the size of his normal size thumb, it sure felt like that. Well, the swelling is down and I am back to work, I was bumed out because I could not play my piano, I do that to relax, totaly self tought and I learned by playing Georg Winston, very relaxing :) Aloha.

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Been there, done that (backside in a clinch just thinking about it...) :eek:

Feel better soon.
Chris, Sorry about the thumb.. now you know what the expression "sticks out like a sore thumb" means? :>)

My father was a carpenter and was working with a young trainee once. The young man hit his thumb and as he danced around, shaking his thumb and made his magic comments to lessen the pain, he noted to my dad... he'd never seen Dad hit his thumb.... Dad, being a bit of a wise-a.. said...'cause I know it hurts.

Don't mean to make fun.. the older I get the long it seems to take for the thumb to heal when I do something to it... and I envy your talent on the piano... I have a tin ear for music, don't sing because I can't carry a tune in a bucket, and not good even at playing the radio, but I love good piano music.. especially Amed Jamal.
Sorry to hear about your mishap. I've certainly hit my thumb a number of times and it is simply amazing how much that hurts. My usualy response has been to grab the thumb with the oposite hand, squeeze hard, dance around and say things I shouldn't. I think the worst time was when I was putting an aluminum roof on a barn. I smacked my thumb pretty hard and I had to sit still and take the pain because if I stood up too quickly or tried to dance around, my thumb would have quickly been the least of my worries.

I hope it heals up quickly and that you don't lose the nail.

Jim Smith
Yikes, glad to hear that it's healing though. As a musician I can sympathize, all the inspiration to play the really cool licks come when your sleeping or hurt :). I'm glad it was only the hammer though, I was almost afraid to read the post after seeing the words bandsaw and thumb in the title!
Good too see you hit thumb with hammer rather than touched thumb to moving bandsaw blade! A tablesaw blade can sometimes pick up your hand and throw it out of the blade, still causing awesome damage, but not always removing hand or fingers...where a bandsaw blade tends to pull finger down and in to the blade causing a natural closed end fountain pen that doesn't seem to want to stop fountaining. So, you did good!
Good too see you hit thumb with hammer rather than touched thumb to moving bandsaw blade! A tablesaw blade can sometimes pick up your hand and throw it out of the blade, still causing awesome damage, but not always removing hand or fingers...where a bandsaw blade tends to pull finger down and in to the blade causing a natural closed end fountain pen that doesn't seem to want to stop fountaining. So, you did good!
Jeff I guess I just got lucky,

Chris I know how you feel, I tried playing one of my guitars night before last and again this evening, I like Blues and Jazz, but it looks like I won't have much movement in the tip of my middle finger and missing a 1/2 inch of index finger is making forming chords just a bit beyond impossible, I did a number like you about 8 months ago but after a few week could play, Aint going to be so lucky this time.
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