Band saw Motor preplacement

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Dec 15, 2008
South Riding, VA
Hi all,

I am looking to replace the motor on my 1951 Delta/Milwaukee band saw. This band saw is an heirloom that was the first band saw I ever used. I have a lot invested in the saw and it was working great but the Monkey Ward replacement motor on it finally died on it. The motor was from the late 70's or so and it was a replacement of the original 1/2 horse motor.

I have added a riser block to the saw so I "think" I need a more powerful motor. I know that the older original 1/2 horse motor and the Monkey Ward motor 1/2 horse motors were more on par with 1 hp motors of today.

I have been looking to at these two motors as a replacement, and I would like to see what you all think. I will be using the saw for some 10" re-saw work in the near future as well.

Leeson Farm-Duty Electric Motor — 1.5 HP, 1725 RPM, Model# 110089.00
or the smaller version of the same motor
Leeson Farm-Duty Electric Motor — 1 HP, 1725 RPM, Model# 110088.00
or the Delta Replacement
Delta 905253 - MOTOR - 1HP-1PH-115V

Thanks for your input.
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I would say get the most HP out of the same frame size/ type especially for resawing. So of the ones listed the first would be my choice.
I recently went through a similar thing with a newer band saw. I found that as long as the frame size (in my case, 56) the arbor size (mine was 5/8) and the RPMs were the same (mine was 1750 -1800), that my saw would accept about any amount of HP that I wanted to throw at it.

Now, my saw was a "direct drive", meaning that the drive pully went directly to the lower wheel. If that is NOT the case with your saw, my experience my not be applicable.

I replaced a 3/4 hp with a 2 hp. It saws wonderfully, there seems to be no undue stress on the saw from the increased torque and the saw resaws MUCH better. YMMV! Good Luck.
It doesn't say, but that Leeson 1.5 looks like a 56A frame, yeah? Will that mount on your saw? If so, I say go for it. Unless you have 220 available, that's about as potent as you can get. Good price too.

If you wanna go dirt cheap, HF has a 3/4 horse motor for $99. Or watch CL for free washing machines and pull that motor. But I agree that you want more power if possible. My 10" has a 1/3 horse motor and I'd REALLY like to bump that up.
I recently put a 100amp 20 slot sub panel in my garage shop. I wired in 5 outlets for 220v 20a into 5 spots, and several 110v 20a outlets. I plan to wire what ever motor I get to use 220v. I have looked at the HF $99 special, but I want to get something with a little more power.
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