Baiting the Bear

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Jan 10, 2007
Canistota, SD USA
These photos are not nearly as good as Frank's deer photos. They taken a while back on the 2nd floor of our house. Estimates put the critter in the 120 lb range. We were told that having a bird feeder 17 feet off the ground was considered baiting.

Boudreaux and 'would-be' playmate



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Is Boudreaux a rat terrier? Looks like ours from the back..... I can imagine how our dog would of gone nuts trying to get the bear!
BTW, I am absolutely serious about the pepper spray. It is or maybe already has become de-sensitized to humans. If it continues coming around people's houses it will be killed. Do the bear a favor and use pepper spray.
Originally posted by ligget
<br />WOW! Don`t see many of those over here in the UK!

Yep, you're correct. No bears, but if you go anywhere inside the M25
you will find some very dangerous and savage beasts.[:D] Did I mention that I hate London?[:(]

BTW, did the bear manage to climb back down on it's own?
The wildlife in the yard is exactly why we live where we live. This sighting is exceptional. Usually, just turkeys, deer, elk, quail, occasional bobcat, one lynx, coyotes.... and occasionally a rancher wannabe lets his cows roam.

Lance, I grew up in Alexandria, college in Natchitoches, worked 21 yrs for Conoco & BP between LakeCharles, Cameron, Lafayette, Morgan City, Prudhoe Bay, AK.

bkc, Boudreaux is a Jack Russell Terrier with similar personalities. He doesn't like anything in his yard or airspace. He definity has a different alert after dark when the bear(s) are in the yard and that is the only time he has a quiet, frantic behaviour.

The bear was finally relocated by ID Fish&Game when it started spooking the neighbors horse at night. Bears are fairly regular around here, especially if you consider that we are 10 miles from town and our lots are at least 10 acres. No one feeds them and they rarely come around the houses.

Mom had kicked it out a year early so it didn't know to stay away from humans and also the berries were late.

It actually used the stairs to get down.
I'd just wondered about Boudreaux since that picture also reminded me of how some bear hunters used to use rat terriers to hunt bear....
Earlier this summer, my wife, my kids, my mom, and I were all walking up from the lake at my mom's, back up to the house. It was dusk, and as we came around the corner of the house, we saw 2 cubs a bit smaller than that guy, with momma right behind. They were ambling across the yard into the woods. Very cool sight. We stayed quiet to keep from spooking an overprotective mom [:0] Wish I would have had the camera....
A number of years back, I was at a guest ranch in No. Cal. situated between Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks.. we were having a "cook out", i.e., a pic nic outside the dining hall with a hugh bonfire. Just at dark as we were finishing dinner, a bear came ambling up from the river and into the "corral" where we were. He checked out the table to see if we left anything for him, then checked out the fire, and when one of the other guests (believe me it was some other fool, NOT ME), banged a pan to try and scare him, he charged the guy. I'll be he could to the 100 in about 6 seconds flat when that bear charged.. the owner of the ranch was trying to get around the bear to his office/cabin to get his rifle, but before he could, the bear lost interest and ambled on up the path... figure he was just hiking the Muir trail that ran alongside the ranch headquarters... pretty exciting and pretty intense there for a few minutes.
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