Its common practice now in "loss prevention" to not only track the purchases but to also track the returns, if a custom is out of the norm to them in returns, they are flagged. Its simply a loss prevention method. Could get into it more but the meds prevent me for wanting to.
As for items not making on the shelf after returned as damaged. BS on all major stores. I few years back I did inventory control analysis for a few large stores on a mystery shopper level so to speak.
items were bought, then before being returned they will fitted with a rfid tag inside.
Yes if it resellable no if it's damaged
Your right and wrong at the same time. If an Item is returned by a customer and the customer states that it is not damaged but just wasn't what they wanted or they bought too many or it is ovious that the package is still in it's tamperproof package the retailer cannot get a credit from the mfg. so yes it will go back on the shelf but if its damaged one of 3 things will happen First it goes to the RTM clerk who will see if this vendor accepts returns if so back to the vendor it will go if not if it's broken to the pont of non use she/he will destroy it in the large crusher, if its just damaged but still usable and can not go back to the vendor then it could be put back our in the store as a damaged product with a discount. Now that was and is Lowe's policy and most retailers, it just creates more headakes for the retailer if they put damaged product back out on the floor, non damaged but open yes but at a discount.
Once returned they were tracked thruout the store. You would be rather surprised by the amount that made it back on the floor for sale. A few were even rethink wrapped first!
Every Return behind the return desk HAD to go to the RTM clerk and disposition of each item was logged into the computer if it made it back to the floor , it has to state why and condition.
I don't care what the store policy is, its still the lazy incompetent workers to blame there.
Here we are in total agreement and in todays work place just try firing someone for lazyness, HR would be all over you. HR runs most retail store now not us Managers...
Some stores flagging methods are a little to strict and I think they need to tone done the parameters some but thats their model...
Note: edited for spelling but grammer is iffy.
back to the couch...