Back In The Doghouse without any cookies

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Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
I just can't seem to win sometimes. Tonight I really got into trouble because of the Girl Scouts.....No I didn't eat all the cookies. I was sitting down and working on something when the doorbell rang, I knew my wife was busy making dinner so I answered it. There were the Girl Scouts trying to sell me cookies. I figured I would play with my wife and walked into the kitchen and told her that the exterminator was here(he was due 2 days ago and won't answer the phone now), She yelled out "Get the *#%^ out of here before I tell him to kick your %@&!!!!" I went back to the door and they were gone. During dinner her friend called and wanted to know if everything was okay, my wife said things were fine and her friend explained what her daughter had said happened at the house. She ordered a dozen on my dime and is bringing them all to school with her. No cookies for me...LOL
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I just can't seem to win sometimes. Tonight I really got into trouble because of the Girl Scouts.....No I didn't eat all the cookies. I was sitting down and working on something when the doorbell rang, I knew my wife was busy making dinner so I answered it. There were the Girl Scouts trying to sell me cookies. I figured I would play with my wife and walked into the kitchen and told her that the exterminator was here(he was due 2 days ago and won't answer the phone now), She yelled out "Get the *#%^ out of here before I tell him to kick your %@&!!!!" I went back to the door and they were gone. During dinner her friend called and wanted to know if everything was okay, my wife said things were fine and her friend explained what her daughter had said happened at the house. She ordered a dozen on my dime and is bringing them all to school with her. No cookies for me...LOL

I guess that's how the cookie crumbles.
It was worth the story. You will always be able to tell it. She will always be able to tell it. And just imagine what the next Girl Scout meeting will sound like.
You should put the altercation with the exterminator (if they ever show) on PPV for the rest of us to watch. We can all sit at the tv eating our girlscout cookies while you get your "dime" back :wink: gotta love those thin-mints :biggrin:
Ohhhh sweet I love thoes cookies you need to send me some wolf.
Bla bla shame on you for the joke bla bla. Just send me some of them cookies.
SIT ! STAY!!!!

explains why they don't come around anymore... my niece asked if I wanted cookies (her daughter is a GS) I said YES! ... thinking she might actually come around ... in uniform even ... you know, the way it USED TO BE done. No, they sold them over Facebook and yada yada ... point is I think something has been lost as to what the kids experience from it all. But hey, she sold 200 boxes, so I bet no one is complaining. (except me) :tongue:
So much for being in the dog house... The wife and kids went to the mall and the cookies got delivered...HEHEHE....Whos the COOKIE MONSTER now????

Who let the dog out???? WOOF WOOFWOOF WOOF
Wait .. you mean .. the Girl Scouts THEMSELVES sell cookies where you live?

I thought only the Girl Scouts PARENTS sold the cookies by bringing them
to the office and sold them to the people they manage through intimidation..

(except for the ones that hijack you coming out of the supermarket, where
presumably if you wanted any cookies, you would have just bought them..)
Wait .. you mean .. the Girl Scouts THEMSELVES sell cookies where you live?

I thought only the Girl Scouts PARENTS sold the cookies by bringing them
to the office and sold them to the people they manage through intimidation..

(except for the ones that hijack you coming out of the supermarket, where
presumably if you wanted any cookies, you would have just bought them..)

I get them the same way. Someone always has a order form during cookie time. I get 6 to 10 boxes a year. Thin Mints freeze very well. Toss them in and have cookie till next season, if they last. I played in the local charity golf tornament and bought a case of 12 boxes of Thin Mints. I thought it was a good idea all 3 of us like that cookie. Nope, I was told not to do that again.

East coast and west coast now have different names for the cookies. It depends on where they are made. I remember everyone couldnt wait to get Samoas. Now they are called Caramel DeLights. I still call them Samoas. They have to be some of the most unhealthy snakes in the world, but man are they good. Tagalongs are now Peanut Butter Patties. Thin Mints are still Thin Mints tho.
East coast and west coast now have different names for the cookies. It depends on where they are made. I remember everyone couldnt wait to get Samoas. Now they are called Caramel DeLights. I still call them Samoas.
Must be a NH thing, down here in CT they are still sold as Samoas.
I'll trade you some blanks for a box of Samoas and Thin Mints!
You want my cookies??????????? Do you know what I had to go through to get my cookies?????????? If you really want some, send me a PM and I will kick down the girls scouts front door, le tout a roar, and buy some more.....Or I can just knock, I don't think she will mind.
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