AZ Silhouette service

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Apr 20, 2007
Bowie, MD, USA.
I just wanted to warn everyone that Bill at Arizona Silhouette appears to be having some problems. I placed an order, according to the confirmation email stamp at 13:02.... Bill didn't get my stuff packed, labeled and ready for shipping until a FULL HOUR LATER!!!!!:D..who sez there's no service anymore!

Thanks Bill!
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I hate ordering from Bill!!!!

I always end up with more in the box than I ordered, and it arrives so quickly that I can't get any rest before I'm back in the shop!!!!

Why Bill, Why do you do this to us?????
Sheesh... You guys get extra blanks??? WOW! Must be nice.

My last order alls I got extra was a locking-folding-belt-clipping-razor-bladed-box and craft cutting knife! Oh and I think there was an extra blank or two... AND I guess he thought I was so incompetent that he sent me two boxes of extra blades for this knife!

And yes, the order process is way behind. I ordered mine via the website and danged if I din't have a shipping notice in my email box 30 minutes later.

Great Service!
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