August group PITH theme ideas

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Oct 26, 2011
Baraboo WI
We are gearing up to do a group PITH (Pen In The Hat exchange)in August and I am looking for ideas for a theme.

Please submit your ideas to this thread and depending on how many we get I will probably run a poll in the next week or so to determine the them for August.

We had 30 people participate last time so lets see if we can top that this time and have fun doing it.
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I'm horrible to ask this....

What's a PITH exchange?
Someone can better explain it than I, but here goes. You either partner up with someone or your partner is drawn for you. You make a pen that meets the set theme and send it on its merry way to your partner. They also do the same.
I'm horrible to ask this....

What's a PITH exchange?
Definitely not horrible to ask.

fnfalguy was was pretty close in his explanation. Once we have a theme and a list of entries I will establish the requirements and then assign exchange partners. You will then need to make a pen that meets the requirements and ship to who you were assigned to by a pre-determined deadline. Once all pens have been shipped we will have a reveal so everyone can see what you received.
Someone can better explain it than I, but here goes. You either partner up with someone or your partner is drawn for you. You make a pen that meets the set theme and send it on its merry way to your partner. They also do the same.
Definitely not horrible to ask.

fnfalguy was was pretty close in his explanation. Once we have a theme and a list of entries I will establish the requirements and then assign exchange partners. You will then need to make a pen that meets the requirements and ship to who you were assigned to by a pre-determined deadline. Once all pens have been shipped we will have a reveal so everyone can see what you received.

Thanks to you both
Here is my standard, canned response that I cut and paste to answer that question:

PITH - Pen In The Hat is an exchange of pens between members. Although the focus is on an exchange of finished pens, the exchanges occasionally include pen kits, pen blanks, and other "goodies". More than that though, they facilitate making a stronger connection to another enthusiast and IAP member. The pens I have received in these exchanges in the past hold a very special meaning to me personally.

Traditionally PITH events have been held as part of the IAP Anniversary BASH celebrations and Summer Extravaganzas. These typically involve some basic rules set by the organizer of the event. Participants sign up to commit their willingness to partake in the event. At a designated time, the list is arranged (usually randomly) to pair individuals together. The list is posted and the participants exchange greetings, addresses, and other information needed to complete their swap. This information is typically exchanged using the IAP PM (Private Message) system, (For those that haven't experienced it yet, the PM system is accessed by clicking on the "Start conversation" link at the bottom of forum posts).

In addition to these larger, PITH events that are connected to an anniversary or other celebration, a single member can instigate a PITH exchange at any time by posting their desire, rules, and expectations in the "PITH (Pen In The Hat - Pen Swaps) forum. Just as in the larger PITH events, the participants exchange information and the organizer orchestrates the the swap. After they are completed, pictures of pen swaps are usually posted in the forums for all to share.

Also, it can even just be a two person event. At any time an individual may post their desire to do a PITH exchange with just one other individual along with their rules and expectations. I have done these occasionally with new or relatively new members that may be apprehensive about their beginning level skills. I've never received a PITH pen that I don't treasure.

They are a lot of fun. I hope you will decide to participate!
ok... So now that my question has been answered.

August is late summer and start of football season. Could also be something that is "fall" themed for colors, hunting, fishing, fall sports, I'm not sure what are normal themes vs ideas that are not worthwhile.
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