Attention Members Living Outside the USA

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Please consider this to be your personal invitation to join our Pen In The Hat (PITH) pen exchange. PITH is described in detail here:

This year PITH celebrates our International community by attempting to make this a BIG International swap. Think of it! People from all over the world sharing their handcrafted pens with one another and establishing some great friendships with people who all have a common interest, the craft of Pen Making.

Please consider participating in PITH 2010 and help to make it the largest International pen swap in the history of the IAP!.
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Even though I have no authority to do so, I am appointing you the Supreme Goddess of the Penturning People of New Zealand. It is your duty to rally the legions upon legions of New Zealand Penturners and lead them to the PITH. Now get cracking Wahine!!
I heard a rumour that he's stuck in Jersey and can't get home! :wink:


You might want to check the West Island.

Can't turn around in Brisbane without running into a mob of Kiwis.

Not saying that's a bad thing.....

There's a West Island:eek:damn after 3 years of living here you think I would know.

YaY YAY YAY hear it all the time how the Kiwis are all over OZ and how much you cant stand it, I do believe the feeling is mutual. Good thing I am an American!!

There's a West Island:eek:damn after 3 years of living here you think I would know.

YaY YAY YAY hear it all the time how the Kiwis are all over OZ and how much you cant stand it, I do believe the feeling is mutual. Good thing I am an American!!

Didn't say we can't stand it, just stating it's a fact. Bribane may well be the 3rd largest city in New Zealand...

And by the way, I'm Canadian. But after 21 years here, Oz is home.

So there.
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