Atten: Pacific Northwest Penturners

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Dec 23, 2006
Port Orchard, WA
I have an idea.

I see all these get togethers all over the US and nothing is close enough for me to travel to. Also, I don't know of a place to go that lists the better craft shows and events in our area. Or, do I know of a site that PNW pen turners can chat or gather.

Ok, my thought is starting a website where we can gather and swap craft show info and the such. I was thinking of having a classified add section, forum and news/information. This will also, eventually, become a part of a new network that will have news and information for all the local artists. This is a site my daughter is starting for this area.

I realize that this all can be done right here on IAP, but due to the overwhelming popularity of this site, threads have a tendency to get buried very quickly. My site would be more of an information site, not so much of a gathering place, even though I will leave that option available. There will be no commercial adds, except for a donation box. I am gonna foot the bill on this one.

Also, I'm looking for someone to help out. You wouldn't have to invest much time. I just need someone to bounce ideas off. Would be nice if you have some web savy and even better if your familiar with Joomla. But this isn't necessary.

I haven't committed any resources yet, so this is still just an idea. If this idea stinks, I will just forget it and continue with my other projects. Thinking

Let me know you thoughts, good, bad, the ugly. :D
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I think your idea is good Steve. Seems we're pretty well spread out in the Pacific Northwest, and I'm sure it would benefit us to be better acquainted with PNW opportunities.
Great idea. I don't know what I can contribute to the group, but think it's a grand idea. I'm glad Joe chimed in. I think he's one of the preeminent turners in the IAP, although he doesn't say much. ;)
Please excuse my ignorance, I'm not in the PNW but gotta ask, What the heck is a Joomia?
Originally posted by n7blw
I'm glad Joe chimed in. I think he's one of the preeminent turners in the IAP, although he doesn't say much. ;)

I took a look at Joe's album and I think I agree with you!!:D:D
Nice work!
Ok, guys, I went and did it. The site is up and running.

We have an
---- Events calender - All registered members can add an event to the calender.
---- Forum - Open to all registered members
---- classified ads - Open to all registered members. You can add and ad, delete your ads and even include a photo or 2 with your ad.

and everything that comes with a CMS.

It still needs a lot of work, but that is where the Northwest Pentuners come into play. Check it out, let me know what changes need to be made. Post all ideas on the new site.
Originally posted by edman2

Originally posted by n7blw
I'm glad Joe chimed in. I think he's one of the preeminent turners in the IAP, although he doesn't say much. ;)

I took a look at Joe's album and I think I agree with you!!:D:D
Nice work!

I agree I think we ought to all meet at Joe's house!!:D
Ok, I went over and submitted my request to register. Thanks Steve for dreaming this up. Hope it doesn't get to be toom much work for you.
Originally posted by PaulDoug

Ok, I went over and submitted my request to register. Thanks Steve for dreaming this up. Hope it doesn't get to be toom much work for you.

All requests are approved.

Once the site is mostly done, I will able to a little here, a little there. But, I love doing these sites, so I don't mind the too much time. :D
And we are off. 15 members and growing. There is more Pacific Northwest members than I thought. Everything is going wonderful. Thanks for the support.
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