At what age . . .

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Jan 26, 2006
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
Not sure where time went - a blink of a eye, and poof.

I am wondering at one age does a guy go from being a complainer to being a nice crusty old guy who can get away with it?

I guess you noticed you reached the top of the hill when you start to think and say
I remember when
-- the dollar menu was the expensive item to order.
-- you enjoy the oatmeal now for the fiber, not the sprinkled fruit on top
-- you can now light all of your candles on your cake with one match because all of the candles touch each other
-- you can now recognize that elevator music is an adaption of old AC/DC and Iron madden songs
--what you pay in taxes is way more than you ever thought you would earn in a year
-- what your 401k lost this last 5 months was what you thought you could retire on when you were a kid
-- there was only a few tv stations and they only ran a few hours a day. Nothing was on, but today with 60 channels on cable -- still nothing is on
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I hear ya. It always used to be something special when you'd wake up on the couch and see the different colored bars on the tube, knowing that you got to stay up late. Or how the news used to actually mean something? With 24hr news nothing is really "news" any more, just made up blather.
Justin, You had colored bars?????? All I remember were shades of grey!! And that round pie cut test pattern.
I remember our first phone and the 3 digit number; I remember our first TV back in the early '50s.

I had an ACTIVE imagination. Seeing cartoons at the movies in the mid 50s and reading comic books, I transposed the colors in my mind to our BW TV. When we got our first "color" TV in the early '60s, my older sister announced when I can into the house: "We got a color TV!"

Me: "We have always had color TV!" and named cartoons that were in color!
Argument ensued!
Mom finally convinced me.
Me - Seriously rationalizing what was going on in my mind, over a couple of years I finally figured out that I was superimposing my comic book and movie cartoon images in my mind as I watched TV! (Yes, I dream in color in spite of what some people might say! :biggrin: )
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