Arizona Silhouette and Comcast

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Dec 8, 2005
Laurel, MS, USA.
I changed ISP to Comcast in Sept. Since then, the only website I can't view is Arizona Silhouette. I remember it post recently that someone else had the same problem.

I've cleared cookies, cache, temp files and everything else I can think of. I have two computers, one xp and one vista and neither one works. Also I have a wireless router (Ativa), may be this is the problem. But why only his site is affected?

Can someone help me?

Merry Christmas to all!
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My problem with the AZ site was with my Zone Alarm Security Suite - it wouldn't let the shopping cart function correctly. Turned off the Z.A. and Bill's site works fine now.

Since it affects both computers, it would more than likely have to be getting blocked inside the router itself or through software such as Zone Alarm etc. I would recommend that you get a cat5 cable and go straight from your cable/dsl modem into one of the computers and see if you can get to AZ site. If so, then definately the router or software issue. As suggested/mentioned, check to see if you have Zone Alarm / Zone Alarm Pro running. If you do, then AZ site could be getting blocked from that program OR inside the router itself, the IP could have gotten programmed in to be blocked such as a parental control thing.

Good luck in getting this worked out.
Connect one of your computers direct to the modem via an Ethernet wire. This will eliminate the possibility of the router being the problem or prove it. If you still have the problem, then it's comcast, and it just may be a regional issue. But I don't see it being the router, they mainly block ports, not ip addresses. Anti viruses and Firewalls block IP addresses.
i have Comcast, a wireless Linksys router, and I have no problem reaching Bill and AS

you might need to lighten the strength of the firewall, and if that doesn't work, call Comcast

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