Are there any Made In American Pen Component Kits?

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Dec 19, 2008
Sarasota, FL
My question is simple as the title shows; Are there any Made In American Pen Component Kits?

I have only one Pen in my collection that I know is completely made in America except for the Ink Cartridge which is a Schmidt German made that I happen to have in the Pen currently. But the Pen components are made from pure cast sterling silver.

I am looking for as much of Made in America as I can to support the idea around my post I did yesterday about having our leaders use Pens made by local pen makers in each respective community. You can see that post here Florida State Pen Act where I am in the early stages of presenting a Bill to my state legislature to have all new legislature that is past be signed by Pen Makers like us. Also, note that I take no right of authorship to this idea and I am calling for all in our craft to take this up and push this concept to your local area. I happen to be in the USA but there are many who are not in the USA on this forum and I challenge you to do the same. Local pride in your whichever country you are from and showing your leaders you have pride in your country is important and important enough that they can connect with you by holding a simple act of signing their laws of your land into effect with a Pen that you made.

Thank you for any ideas you may have.
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As well as this sounds like a winning idea, here are my thoughts. Not to be a downer but first off do you think a governmental body would pay you what your pen is worth each and every time a bill is passed or some document is written. They sign hundreds of bills while in office. I believe you would have to be truely committed to accepting less for your work and to be on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Now maybe they can order so many to cover long periods of time but again that is a commitment. They use more than one pen in a signing and give these away. I also believe you need to be hooked up to an engraver weather you do the work yourself or farm it out. You mentioned in another post about just doing the handmade blank and securing kits from elswhere. That can be a route better chosen because USA kits will cost much more. You would have to form some alliance with those makers too. Using woods that maybe historic from the area in question would be a better choice. But again securing these would be part of the commitment. My point is to me this is an undertaking that would not be easy to do. Sending politicians a special pen every once in awhile is fine and as you pointed out goes through scrutiny that you hope reaches the destination.

I wish you luck in this endeavor and keep us up to date. Good luck and by the way these were just my thoughts alone.
As well as this sounds like a winning idea, here are my thoughts. Not to be a downer but first off do you think a governmental body would pay you what your pen is worth each and every time a bill is passed or some document is written. They sign hundreds of bills while in office. I believe you would have to be truely committed to accepting less for your work and to be on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Now maybe they can order so many to cover long periods of time but again that is a commitment. They use more than one pen in a signing and give these away. I also believe you need to be hooked up to an engraver weather you do the work yourself or farm it out. You mentioned in another post about just doing the handmade blank and securing kits from elswhere. That can be a route better chosen because USA kits will cost much more. You would have to form some alliance with those makers too. Using woods that maybe historic from the area in question would be a better choice. But again securing these would be part of the commitment. My point is to me this is an undertaking that would not be easy to do. Sending politicians a special pen every once in awhile is fine and as you pointed out goes through scrutiny that you hope reaches the destination.

I wish you luck in this endeavor and keep us up to date. Good luck and by the way these were just my thoughts alone.
John, Thank you very much for your feedback and this is exactly what is needed to poke holes in this plan. The cost has been heavy on my mind and I am not looking to be the exclusive Pen maker for this idea in fact that would never work. If we spread this around to the entire Pen making community and clubs the the load gets lighter. I have made many Pens for Troops pens and that gets spread around to the entire community to support our troops. There are other funding avenues that I am trying to investigate to take the burden off of the Pen Makers but still have the impact of visibility of our craft and create a symbolism and special event even more so than signing a bill already has. Keep the ideas coming. Thank you
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