Anyone want to go to the Atlanta meeting?

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Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
Hey guys,
sorry that I haven't made it to the meetings recently. The little one has taken up most of my time now. However, I was able to get free on Dec. 28th to go to the Atlanta meeting. They're always a lot of fun. I've got the floor for the day doing all kinds of demos from CA finish (with flame!) to casting and stabilizing.

I've got room in the car for 1 or 2 more if anyone wants to go. They start at 10am and I like to get there around 9 to set up so I'd have to be on the road by 6am. I've got a spare room for anyone that wants to crash the night before. We'd get back around 7-8 that night.

Shoot me a message or give me a call if you've got my #!
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Sorry Carl! I think I'll need to leave from my house for this. I have WAY to much stuff to pack the night before with all the demos I want to try and do while there.
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