Anyone using Twitter

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Aug 18, 2008
...if so, I'd be interested in following.

BTW - I'm jimbob91577
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The best way to find out what Twitter is...Google it! I just signed up my account....guess what my name is....GouletPens!!!!! Thaaaat's right, I have nothing else going on for me:wink::tongue:
Just the fact that tens of millions of people are able to spend time doing Twitter, Facebook and others for no reason other than to tell what they are doing at the moment astounds me. Do these twitterers not have a life?
Just the fact that tens of millions of people are able to spend time doing Twitter, Facebook and others for no reason other than to tell what they are doing at the moment astounds me. Do these twitterers not have a life?

Depends on what you use it for. I use it primarily for announcing new products, though I also post other stuff that interests me greatly. Some folks really do use twitter an awful lot - and I'm not sure I "get" why. But as a quick advertising venue, it's GREAT.
I'm on Facebook with a profile a group and a fansite, was on MySpace (not anymore), I'm on the Hokie Nation Network (Virginia Tech alumni networking site), I have a website, a blog, I'm on LinkedIn, Technorati, Sawmill Creek, IAP, ArtMetal forum, and now Twitter (I may have actually forgotten some things I'm on!). I'm young so I'm pretty used to this technology, but honestly I even have a hard time keeping up. I don't text a lot since I'm mooching off my parents' family cell phone plan (paying $12 a month, I don't need my own plan!). We'll see how easy Twitter will be for me to keep up with, but I'm giving it a shot for the sake of my pen business. If you're involved with online retailing, the free networking opportunities like Twitter can be a great way to drum up some business without paying for advertising.
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