Anyone used deer bone to turn?

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Jul 29, 2005
North Las Vegas, NV
I had a friend over this past weekend who saw my shop and she offered me deer bone to turn if I wanted to try it out. Seems she has quite a collection. I've done one pen in deer antler but never tried bone. Has anyone used this to turn? Anyone have any pix of what it looks like? I was a little creeped out when I did the deer antler and told the friend I was making it for that he got the one and only deer antler pen I'd ever do, so I think turning bone would likely creep me out even more, but I may give it a try if it seems worth it.
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well, antler is bone.

depending on how the marrow is in the bone, it should turn similar to the antler. if there are large voids in the marrow, then you will need to fill with something. Snowman's alligator bone pens are one of the few that come to mind that use something similar, that and Oosik.
I've done bovine bone (mad cow, yes:biggrin:) but never tried deer bone. You already know of the stench:eek: that you're going to get. Even a long shower/bath isn't going to restore your 'essence' too quick.:tongue: Let us know how you make out, or not.
I have a giraffe bone waiting for the right moment. Also known for its pungency. Not sure if it ever will become a pen. Deer bone should work, but recommend nose plugs and plenty of ventilation. Sounds more like an opportunity for an unusual pen rather than a pretty one.
Here's one. It is made from the ulna (one of the foreleg bones) of a whitetail deer.

You can view the original thread at Othorpedist Pen.

If I had a piece of bone thick enough I'd do it. The ones posted here are really nice. Got to go see my butcher! Do you have to dry it first?
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