Anyone use Paypal's IPN/PDT?

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
I'm just now setting this up, if any of you use IPN or PDT or both to manage transactions from your websites, do you have any tips or pitfalls to watch out for?

I saw that they have a sandbox subdomain for handing back the IPN posts in a dev environment, that's nice to know that I won't be spending $0.30 every time I need to test something!

Anyhow, any advice would be appreciated. If I can manage to stay awake, I need to go build a database. Anyone got any generic store sample scripts (sprocs and such that deal with the IPN's would be great!) that are set up to sell pens and keep track of customers in MySql or SQL Server? I have both of them set up on my server, and I really don't care which one I use.

I'm reading through the IPN .pdf right now, they've done a lot to facilitate this. Nice to know Paypal's out there and responsible for the really touchy data. I'm excited about getting my site set up, I really think it's going to blow my Ebay store out of the water. Ebay's not so hot for selling really good quality stuff, what with all the fees and no exposure to speak of.

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Like GoodTurns said, Karl, you really do need to get some sleep. You're incoherent. Babbling on about IPN's and PDT's and all. Nobody can understand you! Take five (hours) and get a little shut-eye and then take a shower.

Trust me. You'll feel better, we'll feel better, and you'll still have plenty of time to send a correct answer into today's trivia question.
My question to you is why are you trying to re-invent the wheel? There are plenty of free scripts for e-commerce that have the IPN and PDT. Like Zen Cart, for instance. Plug and play.
Originally posted by toolcrazy

My question to you is why are you trying to re-invent the wheel? There are plenty of free scripts for e-commerce that have the IPN and PDT. Like Zen Cart, for instance. Plug and play.

Doesn't Zen cart have to be installed on the server?
Ahhh, belay that last. I found some direction on installing Zen cart on GoDaddy. I wasn't sure they'd let me. I'll have to check it out, I'd love to be able to use Zen cart.

If I get it set up, you're going to become my newest and closest friend, right Steve? I'm sure we'll be spending lots of time together, what with you being the resident Zen guru and all.

Ohhhhhhmmmmmm...........Ohhhhhhmmmmmm..............Ohhhhhhmmmmmm [:p]
Gah, that's what I thought. Didn't realize that Zen was Linux platform specific. I'm all set up with multiple sites on IIS already, so I don't want to switch over to Apache. I really like Linux and PHP, but I'd have to rewrite all of my ASP and .NET sites, which I don't have time to do. I'm sorta stuck in a legacy funk. So....after a slight tangent...back to the original question, which apparently no one has any quick freebie advice on, so...

Off I forge into the jungle again! hehe[:p]

Thanks for trying, Steve!
Originally posted by karlkuehn

Gah, that's what I thought. Didn't realize that Zen was Linux platform specific. I'm all set up with multiple sites on IIS already, so I don't want to switch over to Apache. I really like Linux and PHP, but I'd have to rewrite all of my ASP and .NET sites, which I don't have time to do. I'm sorta stuck in a legacy funk. So....after a slight tangent...back to the original question, which apparently no one has any quick freebie advice on, so...

Off I forge into the jungle again! hehe[:p]

Thanks for trying, Steve!

Zen will run on IIS, but you do have to have MySQL and PHP. Oh well.
Bring up a Linux Virtual Machine and run that one particular site from it. Then you can rewrite your other sites as time allows and have everything under Linux/Apache. [8D]
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