Anyone interested in selling me a segmented blank?

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Jan 12, 2013
Tehachapi, CA
While I appreciate Celtic knots and the pens created with them, I fear that might be more fun than I want to have to create one in my shop. Anyone with a good Celtic knot wish to sell me one at a fair price?

Thanks in advance.
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You are smart to seek others to make them for you. It is not the money or time it is that you end up with hobbies within hobbies. One hobby is making jigs to hold blanks for cutting them for the wood insert. One jig to rip thin wood inserts. One jig to cut the blanks to exact length. The learning curve is not too steep but a day spent making jigs and learning how to use them well can be used to do a lot of honey dos or make a lot of pens.
Check with Terry q here at IAP. He did a great job with a demo at the MPG a couple days ago making them and had them for sale.
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