Anyone heard from Nolan

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Jan 30, 2007
Richardson, TX, USA.
I don't know Nolan, but I feel like I do through IAP. Any word from him on how he's doing? I noticed that we haven't heard from him in over a few weeks.

Kyle (StatProf)
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He responded yesterday to a thread I started a few days ago. He said he developed a Staph infection and it would be a while before he was back in the swing of things.

Thinking good thoughts for Nolan.

Yes, I hear from the Harris's fairly frequently. In part of a recent email to me, Nolan commented:

Man all this is gettting ahead of me as I cant seem
to catch up from this surgery and now staff infection problems.

Couple this with having a precocious two year old who never gets enough "daddy time" and you can only imagine what's going on in his life.

If you are able, cut him a little slack. Nolan is a hard working professional who will be back serving our whims and desires as quickly as his body will allow.

Get well, Nolan! (Then get back to work! :biggrin:)
Got lots of slack! Had neck surgery last year and it put me down for 3 months.

Yes, I hear from the Harris's fairly frequently. In part of a recent email to me, Nolan commented:

Couple this with having a precocious two year old who never gets enough "daddy time" and you can only imagine what's going on in his life.

If you are able, cut him a little slack. Nolan is a hard working professional who will be back serving our whims and desires as quickly as his body will allow.

Get well, Nolan! (Then get back to work! :biggrin:)
Nolan is a top notch individual. I wish him all the best. He has answered my emails promptly and informed me of his issues.

If anyone has items ordered from him, he will get them to you. It may take some time, but they will arrive. Just be patient.

Nolan, get well soon.
I saw Nolan a couple of weeks ago. He is hobbling around; but needs to take it slow. He is in good spirits, just tired of being sick and tired.
Yes, I hear from the Harris's fairly frequently. In part of a recent email to me, Nolan commented:

Couple this with having a precocious two year old who never gets enough "daddy time" and you can only imagine what's going on in his life.

If you are able, cut him a little slack. Nolan is a hard working professional who will be back serving our whims and desires as quickly as his body will allow.

Get well, Nolan! (Then get back to work! :biggrin:)

Lou, I think we all feel the same way.....Nolan's health is more important than any order he hasn't been able to get to yet. I echo what you said about cutting him some slack and my thoughts and prayers are with him for a speedy recovery.
I understand keenly what he's going through. Just had knee surgery a few weeks ago, and I don't bounce back like I used to. But throw a staph infection into it, and everything changes. I've been lucky to never get one, and my heart goes out to him. It's tough on the little ones too, I have 2. They just want to play!

Perhaps someone with way more computer skills than me can put together a get well card we can all sign and send to him.

Thanks to all and sorry for delay in getting orders out. I hope to have this behind me soon. As some know I had surgery on the ankle / foot again (my 10th) and have had MERSA (super bug) and then a plain old staph infection so to say the least I have been a little preoccupied. I hope and feel as if I am on the down hill side now and hope to be at it 100% soon. Thanks to all for you patients and I am again sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.
Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Hope it goes more easily now. The way I see it is, All good things come to those who wait. So waiting just means it's going to be great.
Take care and continue to heal.
Your Health is the NUmber 1 most important issue!
Number 2 is Jenn and Lil Nolan

we fall some where in the top 100....
Take care of YOU first

We can and will wait...
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