Anyone from Australia know what this tree is

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Jul 10, 2007
Kurtistown, Big Island of Hawaii, USA.
I live in Hawaii and I got a tree that looks like a type of eucalyptus, can anyone help with identifing this tree, the wood is a nice redish color and very hard, I will try to post a picture of the wood if you need it. Aloha


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Yes I know it is a Eucalyptus but I want to know which one.
R2 yes I was thinking it might be a Blue gum but I am not sure, I will be researching it more now that I have a few names. I know what it is not, it is not Robusta or Deglupta, the wood looks real nice, hay R2 is the Blue gum a good wood to work with? Thanks everyone for your help and aloha.

Chris Blue Gum and Grey Gum make great stuctural timbers and beautiful floor boards.
I've never tried to turn it. One of the problems with eucalypts is that, in general, they are highlt fissile. This is one reasn that they are not used in smaller work.
The walk around my cluttered mind left me with a feeling that I had mixed things up, and so I had!
Sydney Blue Gum is Eucalyptus Saligna
Tasmanian Blue Gum is Eucalyptus Globulus
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