Anyone ever have trouble with PSI?

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Nov 9, 2008
Boca Raton, FL
I placed a order on the 22nd. Still haven't heard anything from them. I'm debating on going to woodcraft and buying what I need instead and canceling my order at PSI on monday.

Any feedback is appreciated! :)
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At the very least, you should have gotten the order confirmation email that is automatically sent. If you did not, perhaps the order was not completed.
I have never had a problem with PSI , but if you want to order from someplace else , Woodturningz handles PSI products . I have never had a problem with them either , and they are more personable . FWIW
If you didn't get an order confirmation, your order didn't go through.. you might try calling or re-submit the order... check to see if your CC or ATM card has been charged. PSI has always responded very well for me and shipped promptly.

But Dale is right, Woodturningz can sell many of the products that PSI sells at a lower rate.
I got the email confirmation the 22nd, my card hasnt been charged still. I need to grab a pen vise and barrel trimmer, which I ordered from PSI. I ordered from woodturningz the same day and recieved their package wednesday; very pleased with them!
There you go . You might check PSI tomorrow by calling , check on the status of your order . Sometimes stuff gets put on backorder . Then call Woodturningz to see if they have what you need . They fill orders and ship promptly . Can't beat that . Hope this helps .
My only order with them was many years back when I ordered a dust collector. Since it didn't arrive when it should, I called them up and had the nastiest person on the phone they must have had around. Never again I said and I stuck to it.
I went to woodcraft and got what I needed. I don't think I'll use PSI again this is rediculous. Hopefully I have no problem canceling my order tomorrow.
The orders that I have placed with PSI usually take about 2 - 3 weeks to arrive. Also, they don't charge your card until it is ready to ship. I agree with the others, Woodturningz is faster, has lower prices and is much friendier. PSI doesn't allow them to honor some of the catalog specials so sometimes I have to go with PSI, but I would rather not.
Orders have never been a problem for me with them, but customer service was another matter. I purchased a set of bushings from a local retailer few months back. They got stuck on the mandrel after I turned the blanks. I called to see what could be done. After being berated for 10 minutes by a nasty service tech, he finally said I must have received an old set of bushings and that now the bushings have a larger diameter hole to prevent that problem. Even with the bad service experience, I probably will order from them again for certain things.
These are the slowest people on the planet. When you call to cancel, they will tell you that it has been sent. It took 16 days to get my last order. I only buy from them when they have something on sale or I can't find it anywhere else.
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