Anybody get this email from Rockler?

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I don't have one but I don't think I like it. For the small pieces needed to cut a pen segment I would think you needed a sled that rides over both sides of the blade. This setup still needs a zero clearance plate to keep the segments from dropping down along side the blade. Just my 2 cents.
I'm with my good friend Bruce on this one. I wouldn't buy a sled. There are lots of free plans on the net for making one yourself. They are incredibly easy to make and you can customize it for your own use. On top of all that will be the satisfaction of doing it yourself. I made mine ... just ask Bruce ... if I can make one ...... anybody can! [:D]
I like the Incra set up better, I don't own it but will one day. I love all my Incra stuff. You can make them very easy, but Incras stuff(I'm sure the rockler one as well) is very precise. I just bought an Incra miter slot guide to make a sled with for things that don't require perfect cuts. Some one chim in saying they can make one as accurate as the ones you buy, but this is not very easy to do and can drive a man crazy. I still love making jigs of all sorts. Good luck, victor
October Issue of Wood Magazine has an article on miter gauges and Table saw sleds. Good info on them and what to look for. but I didn't see anything I trust my fingers to, with small pieces like pen blanks. I think I would start my search there on build your own.
The top rated on in the wood magazine is sweet. I got to play with it a little at the woodworkingshows. very smooth and with both the left and the right they make a complete sled. clamps for the hold down are in grooves on the fence. and the way the fence moves the end of it is always near zero clearance to the blade. I will have one in january when I get to the next show.

Just my 2 cents
Looks a lot like a dubby to me:

And you can make or buy a table that sits beside it and essentially turns it into a zero clearance table.

Yes, you can build one, but then again you can make your own gouges and skews. I'm sure we all don't do this?

I have the Incra sled and absolutely love it. It was expensive but the miter gage disconnects for use by itself and it is dead accurate right out of the box. (read as: No fiddling to get an accurate miter)
Jointech smartmiter got pos rating in all areas of woods evaluation except for space in front of fence at 0 degree miter. It only has 13".
It is the only sled that can cut left and right miters without taking anything apart. It has positive stops every half degree and a fence scale with 1/32" increments. you can reliably reset length of cuts and is one of the few sleds that mitered ends will not slip past the stop. Basically it is one of the better rated sleds except for the limited width of material you can put in it. they show a price of $260.
they did not evaluate the Incra 5000.
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