Another yahoo..LOML says i can get band saw

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Nov 17, 2005
methuen, massachusetts, USA.
Yet another yahoo.

After making a carousel horse for my wife's birthday,
(you'll have to go to my web to see it if your interested)

She loved it and said we could sell those.

I mumbled something like i could make a whole bunch more of these eaiser if i had a band saw.

Of course the topic change to

" why is it you only buy stuff and never sell enough to pay for all of it" SELL STUFF FIRST THEN YOU CAN GET ONE !!!

well that was the jest of it anyway.

So im am obeying SWMBO and am going to sell stuff......her last words were to sell..didnt say anything about making money....:D[}:)]:D[}:)]

im sure there's a flaw in my logic..but she'll tell me later what it is. So help me get one and buy stuff...check out the classified.

Dear grizzly band saw dude.....wrap one up.

SWMBO -> she who must be obeyed
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Originally posted by Russb
<br />You have your wife's permission, go here.....

LOL im not going there, you come over and tell her i want that.
Does the Bobbit treatment mean anything to you ...[}:)][:D][}:)][:D]

Congrats! You mighyt be able to swing it and as they is easier to ask forgiveness than asking for permission [;)]

Bobbit treatment and bandsaw in the same page doesnt go well with my imagination. [xx(]

Re: Agazzani, their biggest bandsaw have 7-1/2 HP motor but takes only up to 1-1/2" blade...makes me wonder what my officemate have that it takes up to 3" blade [:0][:0][:0]

Her late husband also own 3 lathes. 2 are General and a Poolewood Euro 3000 (30" swing and a 3 HP 3 phase direct drive motor) he is known to like/own some of the biggest and meanest machines. [:D]
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