Another Fantastic Safety Device

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Jul 26, 2008
Anaheim, CA
The Grripper thread reminded me of something I discovered last week...

The best safety device in the world (if you have kids or a chatty SWMBO): A shop door that locks from the inside.

More than once my wife or kids have come tearing into the shop/garage while I was working with sharp pointy things. I found when I locked the door they have to knock. Much easier to keep my hand away from said sharp pointy thing.

My wife has learned to stand several feet away and pound on the post that holds the main support beam for the house. Alternately, I am expected to respond to stomping on the floor of the kitchen (pen shop is in the basement).

When she startles me at the lathe I'm not sure who is scared the worst, she or I.

If I ever put a door up to the shop, the inside lock is a good idea.
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