In advance of all the fund raising activities that will begin soon, I sent my annual donation to IAP in today. I'm a solid supporter of IAP, I've learned a great deal from the time spent here, I have made some good friends, I know this is a place where I can both expert advice and as well as a good dose of non-conventional thinking.
I made my donation in advance, now I can feel no guilt about ignoring all the fund raising activities. I have no problem with the fund raising, it just is not for me. Sometimes I'm a little uncomfortable with how often we ask our suppliers to donate. Does anyone else feel the same way? Or to ask the question more directly, does anyone remember the names of the buinesses and individuals who donated prizes last year? If a supplier makes a nice donation to IAP fund raising efforts do you loyally support them throughout the year? Or do you jump ship for someone who sells a similar product for a few pennies less?
I made my donation in advance, now I can feel no guilt about ignoring all the fund raising activities. I have no problem with the fund raising, it just is not for me. Sometimes I'm a little uncomfortable with how often we ask our suppliers to donate. Does anyone else feel the same way? Or to ask the question more directly, does anyone remember the names of the buinesses and individuals who donated prizes last year? If a supplier makes a nice donation to IAP fund raising efforts do you loyally support them throughout the year? Or do you jump ship for someone who sells a similar product for a few pennies less?