Announcement: Pen Tool Reviews

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Dec 23, 2006
Port Orchard, WA
We have Good News! With the generous donation from a member, Pen Tool Review has new review software. This is a major step up from the old software. The changes may not be apparent at first visit, but for those who have all ready posted a review will be very surprised. The old system was clunky and hard to use. That has all changed. Some of the new features are:

1.A new html editors been added to the review interface.

2.A new image handling systems been added. You can add up to 6 images to your review.

3.With the new images system, it now adds a new thumbnail section to your reviews. When you post images, one image will appear in the upper right corner of your review and the other five will appear in the thumbnail block on the bottom of the review.

4.When you click on the thumbnail, you will get a bigger popup image for easier viewing.

5.You can now fully edit your review and add images after the reviews been published.

6.A new rating systems been added. With a report system for reviews that do not meet the requirements of the site.

7.A new layout for the review listing pages, that is much easier to view and read.

These are but a few of the changes made. I still plan to make other changes in the future. However, for now, this is good.
I have also been kicking around the idea of a Pen Tool Review forum. My idea is being able to discuss the various tools out there so to help the members and guests make an informed decision on buying tools. I also thought on the same note, do we need another forum. I am not here to compete with IAP or TPS on this end. Therefore, for now, it is on the back burner, unless there is enough interest in it.

In addition, to those out there that has posted review comments. I have transferred your content without a problem, the reviews and review comments been deleted. I have added more review criteria so this was necessary for the new changes. However, you have the option to go back, add reviews, and review comment with the new criteria.

So, please everyone, go get your favorite tool or pen kit and write a review on it. Alternatively, grab that tool or pen kit you hate and let us know why you hate it. Help that one person out there make an informed decision about their next purchase. Thanks.
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