Animated Avatar

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Jun 27, 2007
Zionsville, Indiana
Would someone please take Jeff avatar and animate it for him. I think his nose need to wiggle or twitch. :D I would do it but I have not animated gifs for so long it would take me a week to brush up on it.

Sorry it just kind of hit me and I find it rather amusing.

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If you can figure out how to animate one let me know. Downloaded an animated gif and it is animated when i view it on my computer but when it gets on the site it is just a still pic.:frown:
Will this work?


Had to try Jeff

sparhawk, shoot me a link to the picture and I'll try to get it right for you. Not making any promises, but I'll try. I used to make these gifs, but kinda forgot how. It took me a while to do the one of Jeffs avitar.
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Dang!! Between your railrider1920 avatar and Jeff's wiggly nose I can't take my eyes off of your post. Both of them are way cool! Here's a thought ... why not make a post saying that you'll animate avatars for a $10 donation to IAP?
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I'm glad you like it. So what has Jeff had to say about it? Does he even know about this thread?

sparhawk, try reducing the size to 80 x 80 and look at the file size. If it is at 19.5k or lower, it should work. If it isn't, reduce the size again. Try 75 x 75. It has to be 80 x80 or smaller and at or less than 19.5k. I had to reduce mine down to something like 68 x 68 to get it under 19.5k

Doc, I didn't make my avitar. The credit for that one goes to a guy named Harry122 at I used to hang out there about 3 years ago. It is a really cool site. It is a photoshop contest site. They post a theme or a picture and the people entering the contest have to make a picture for that theme or photoshop the picture provided. There are some incredible artists there. If you have ever gotten some emails forwarded to you that have outrageous pictures in them, like a bathroom with no floor in it, just clouds, it was probably made there at worth1K.

I wouldn't mind trying to make some avitars for people, donation or not, but I am not that good at all. Like the L bopping the K w/ a hammer. I could see it being done, but not by me.
That's GREAT! Thanks Rob. Can you make the eyes do something funny?

Let me tell you, it seems like a small thing, but having avatars is really fun. There was an avatar mod for the old forum, but it was so buggy and hard to install that I never bothered with it.
Hey, this reminds me... anyone who wants to make pen-themed avatars or smilies is encouraged to do so and I will upload them for general use.
It needs a little cleaning up on the nose. I'll try to do something with the tongue when I come back from my next trip.

"...would be glad to pay you...."
OK sparhawk,
It's no sweat at all. I'm kinda enjoying this. Resizing it is easy and doesn't take long at all. No need to send a dozen amboyna burl blan.... well.......
I'm kidding

How is this turned_for_good?
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